What are our big water quality problems? Impaired waters: springs, lakes, rivers & streams Closed beaches Contaminated seafood
How does water quality affect me & my community? Upset ecosystem balance Fishing, boating & swimming Jobs Property values Tourism Health
What causes these problems? Nutrients (Nitrogen and Phosphorus) Fecal coliform bacteria Other pollutants
What are nutrients and what is the problem? Nitrogen and Phosphorus Allow plants to grow too much Clog waterways
How do nutrients get into our water? Wastewater - Privately-owned septic systems - Sewer systems Stormwater runoff - Fertilizer from lawns & agriculture
How does fecal coliform bacteria get in our waterways? Septic systems Livestock Pets
What are other important water pollutants? Petroleum (roads) Hazardous chemicals (homes) Pharmaceuticals (homes) Heavy metals (industry)
What can we do about it? Reduce pollution from septic systems Reduce or eliminate fertilizer use (Use compost!) Reduce usage of and properly dispose of other water pollutants
What are our potential water quantity problems? Tallahassee has adequate drinking water but there may be ecosystem impacts from: Lower levels in wells, lakes, springs, and wetlands Low flows in rivers Dark water in springs Degraded wildlife habitat Saltwater intrusion
How does water quantity affect me & my community? Upset ecosystem balance Boating, fishing, swimming Property values Jobs Tourism
What causes ecosystem problems? Water withdrawal greater than recharge: - Residential use (save water and money) - Commercial use - Agricultural use
What can we do about it? Absorb all water that falls on your yard Use less potable water on your yard Use less water in your home
What are other solutions that haven't been mentioned?
Source of Nitrogen in Wakulla Springs & Aquifer Kg N per person in