To Kill A Mockingbird Chapters 1 – 3
Chapter 1 Jem and Scout grew up in a small town in Alabama. The town’s name is Maycomb. They lived there with their father, Atticus and their cook, Calpurnia. Jem and Scout’s mom died when Scout was two years old. Scout does not remember her mother, but Jem does. When Jem was 10 and Scout was 6, something exciting happened. A boy named Dill moved in next door. He was 7 years old. Jem and Scout were happy to have someone to play with. Everyday, Jem, Scout and Dill played together. Sometimes they played in the tree house. They liked to put on plays. There was another house called “The Radley Place” near their home. They never saw the people who lived there. Dill really wanted to go in the house. He dared Jem to go up and touch the house. Jem was scared, but decided to do it. He ran up the sidewalk and touched the house. They all 3 ran home quickly. When they turned around and looked, they thought they saw the curtains move.
Chapter 2 In September, Dill went back home. Jem and Scout were lonely. Soon, school started and Scout was excited because she was going into first grade. She used to watch all the school kids play, and now, she got to play with them too. Scout’s teacher was Miss Caroline. She was a new teacher and did not know the students well. Miss Caroline read a book about cats, but no one liked it. Miss Caroline asked Scout, but called her Jean Louise, to read for the class. Miss Caroline go upset with Scout because she knew how to read very well. When it was time for lunch, Miss Caroline tried to give money to a little boy, Walter, who was very poor. He would not take the money. Scout tried to explain why Walter would not take the money. Miss Caroline got upset and spanked Scout on the hands with a ruler. Then, Scout had to stand in the corner. Scout was not having a good day.
Chapter 3 On their way home for lunch, Scout picked on Walter because of what happened in class. Jem made scout stop picking on Walter. Jem invited Walter to come and eat lunch at their house. Atticus talked to Walter about farming. Scout did not understand what they were talking about. Walter asked for syrup while he was eating and poured it all over his food. Scout teased him about it and Calpurnia made her go sit in the kitchen. Calpurnia said it was important to be nice to company. Scout was punished and had to stay in the kitchen for all of her lunch time. When Scout went back to school, all of the kids laughed at Miss Caroline. She screamed at Burris Ewell when she saw that he had bugs in his hair. He only came to school on the first day each year. After school, Atticus and Scout talked about school. She did not like it. Her teacher told her to stop reading at home. Atticus made a deal with her. He said if she will go back to school, he will read with her every night. It would be their secret. Scout agreed and was happy.