Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation To ensure that students of all nationalities… Our Mission grow to their full potential …as independent learners in a caring British international community
Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation The IB Learner Profile
Student led conference Mum Dad independent learner
Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation How do we get there? 3 way conferences Full student led conferences
3 way conference
Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation 3 way conferences at Patana Key Stage 2 April 2011 The first building block Key Stage 2 April 2011 The first building block
Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation A celebration of independent learning 3 – way conferencing
Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation Preparing for the conferences Target setting with students Target setting with students
Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation Preparing for 3–way conferences Students will practice for the conference ahead of time Parents: discuss the targets outlined in the Term 1 report (home language) Students will practice for the conference ahead of time Parents: discuss the targets outlined in the Term 1 report (home language)
Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation Preparing for 3 - way conferences Ensure that potentially difficult issues have been discussed beforehand Ensure that potentially difficult issues have been discussed beforehand
Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation Your feedback is very valuable
Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation Three way conferences are very valuable in creating awareness for our children. They can take on board and respond more positively when feedback is provided by the teacher versus the parent. Patana parent feedback
Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation My child is able to share comments about her work. Unfortunately I didn’t take her with me today due to time constraints. When I came home she was quite upset and disappointed (this surprised me) that she didn’t have the opportunity to present her work which she was proud of. Patana parent feedback
Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation I think it ‘s very beneficial for my child to hear the two very influential adult figures in his life (teacher and parent) praising him for his great work, highlighting his progress and achievements. It also helps to be told of his shortcomings from an adult other than a parent. Patana parent feedback
Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation The schedule Home time!
Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation Student Led Conferences Skills for life
Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation Angela Speirs Senior Teacher for Assessment, Patana Primary Further information