Lathrop Intermediate School Cyber Savvy Week December 1 – December 5, 2014 Be RespectfulBe ResponsibleBe Safe College Prep Period – Wednesday, December 3, 2014 Privacy, Copyright and Plagiarism
How to Use the Internet Safely – Online Protection and CyberPredators Purpose: – This week we’re going to spend a little time everyday talking about how to use computers and the Internet to become smarter and safer. Be ResponsibleBe SafeBe Respectful
What are our Internet Safety Rules? Don’t fill out online forms or surveys, enter contests, or join social networking sites without parent permission. Don’t share personal information online such as name, phone number, age, gender, photo or Social Security number. Remember that everything you post to the Internet can be seen by anyone and everyone. Never give personal information to people you meet online including your real name and especially where you live. Be alert for cyberpredators – people who try to gain your trust or ask inappropriate questions such as whether your parents are home. Never meet anyone in person who contacts you online. Never respond to online chat or messages that make you feel confused or uncomfortable – instead, tell an adult. Call for help. Be RespectfulBe ResponsibleBe Safe
How to be a good cybercitizen! Good Cybercitizen – good citizen when we use computers and internet; good citizens show respect for self and each other and obey the rules. In what ways does a cybercitizen show respect for each other and obey rules? Be RespectfulBe ResponsibleBe Safe
Be RespectfulBe ResponsibleBe Safe How to respect copyright law – Think about a work that you put lots of effort and pride into creating – How about a science report or great poem you wrote – A drawing you made or the pictures you took on vacation All of these are your creations and you’d probably be very upset if someone just copied them without your permission – especially if they tried to pass them off as their own work and didn’t give you credit. Copyright law gives you a set of rights that prevents other people from copying your work or using it in ways you might not like without getting your permission. Copyright
Copyright Law – Creators As a creator, you have the right to control what people can and can’t do with your work – Creator could be an artist, musician, writer, etc. – Can sell, publish, or keep it private – Have the right to control what needs to be done for the work they created Copyright law gives creators a set of rights that prevent other people from copying their work or using it in ways they might not like without getting permission. These creators deserve to make a living from the hard work they put into their creative works. It reflects our respect for what we call “intellectual property” and the rights that go with that property. Be RespectfulBe ResponsibleBe Safe
Something to think about: Copyright Infringement What happens when you copy a CD or a DVD you didn’t buy or download a copyrighted fames or songs illegally from the Internet? – You’re guilty of “copyright infringement” – It’s actually against the law because it’s just like stealing. What if your favorite band can’t make money because no one is paying for their music but copying it instead? – They won’t be able to continue to work – You might not be able to continue to get entertainment from them Copyright infringement is serious – Copying and reselling copyrighted works (such as CD’s, computer games, and DVD’s) is even worse. – It’s called ‘piracy’ and when people are caught doing this, they can go to jail. Be RespectfulBe ResponsibleBe Safe
What about your school work? Is it okay to copy and paste from the Internet or copy from books if it’s for a report or a presentation for school? – Why? Or why not? Explain. What is “plagiarism”? – Copying and pasting from the Internet or copying from books. Is it okay to do so? Why or why not? Explain. – Answer: It is a bad idea because it is dishonest – it’s not just stealing, it’s also lying. When and what action is called “plagiarism”? – When you copy exact words and ways an author expresses his/her idea without providing quotation marks, “ “. – When you do not provide citation to provide credits to the author, give title, and or Internet location, and other information for the quote. It’s okay to use facts we didn’t know before from books or the Internet as long as we cite our source or say there they came from. Even things like pictures or music from the Internet that we use with permission, should be cited. Be RespectfulBe ResponsibleBe Safe
Rules for Digital Citizenship Respect intellectual property and copyright law Only download with artist permission or from copyright-free Internet sites. Never plagiarize – keep your work original Always cite your sources Be RespectfulBe ResponsibleBe Safe
Questions ? Be RespectfulBe ResponsibleBe Safe
Sources s/lesson s/lesson Be RespectfulBe ResponsibleBe Safe