ROADMAPS- Session 9
In this session you’ll learn: How to manage your time effectively. Communication skills. How to work as a team. How to BE an effective team member. How to assess your “Work Ethic”.
How do I waste my time? DIRECTIONS: Use the “How do I waste my time” sheet. Note which of the listed “time wasters” apply to you. On the left, check those that apply to you. On the right, match items from the “Tips for using time effectively” sheet, with time wasters to show which tips might be effective to help you overcome your time wasters. Start practicing effective time strategies now.
Assessing my time management habits…Part 1: DIRECTIONS: Use the “Assessing my time management habits” sheet. Circle the habits that you have. Give yourself 2 points for the habits you circled..
Assessing my time management habits…Part 2: DIRECTIONS: Use the “Assessing my time management habits” sheet, Part Two. Circle the habits that you have. Give yourself 2 points for the habits you circled..
Assessing my time management habits…FINAL SCORE: DIRECTIONS: Add up your Part One points. Add up your Part Two points. Total all points. Read what your final score means. Make changes in your time management skills. “A year from now you will wish you had started today.” -Karen Lamb
Tips for using time effectively Don’t take on too much. Get organized, end clutter. Ask for help. Do two things at once. Make to-do lists/Keep a calendar. Set deadlines. Divide big jobs up into small parts. Take care of your health. Always prioritize and plan ahead. Share responsibilities where appropriate. Give yourself rewards.
Logging your time INSTRUCTIONS: Over the next 3 days, using the “Logging your time” chart, write down how you use your time during waking hours. When completed, evaluate how you spent your time. If you want to spend your time differently, set a time management goal to use your time effectively.
“ Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” --Henry Ford The American soccer team stuns Spain in upset victory in 2009.
Your Team Has an Assignment… Project A Project A Project B Project B Project C Project C Project D Project D Project E Project E
Assignment: Together as a team, review and discuss the “project” you’ve been assigned You will be asked to: 1.Develop a project plan that identifies your team’s goal and tasks to be accomplished. 2.Establish a “time line” with checkpoints to monitor your team’s progress toward its goal. 3.Have each team member participate fully in the planning process…everyone’s view is IMPORTANT and needed.
Team Project Plan DIRECTIONS: Develop a plan that identifies your team’s goal, the tasks to be accomplished, and who is responsible for completing each task. Establish a “time line” with checkpoints to monitor your team’s progress toward the final deadline. Give your project a name, state the goal, state the deadline for completion, list team members and fill out the Team Project Plan form.
Communication Skills Receiving…Listening Skills – Paraphrase – Impression checking – Behavior description Expressing…Sending Skills – Describing one’s own feelings – Describing one’s own behavior – Stating one’s own ideas
Interpersonal Communication Skills 6 The following 6 communication skills will help you build openness and trust with fellow workers. By learning these skills, you’ll succeed at work.
Paraphrase 1 MEANING: Checking your understanding of another person’s remark to make sure you understand his/her ideas, information and suggestions as they intended them. “What I hear you saying is you want Jack, and not Mark, to take Mary’s position; is that right?”
Impression Check 2 MEANING: Checking your impressions of the other person’s feelings. “I get the impression that you don’t like my website design. Is that true?
Behavior Description 3 MEANING: Describing specific observable actions of another person’s behavior. Jim, chewing gum during our presentation was inappropriate.”
Describing One’s Own Feelings 4 MEANING: Specifying or identifying your feelings by name, simile, figure of speech or action to let others know how you are feeling. “I’m angry that you didn’t introduce me to the client!”
Describing One’s Own Behavior 5 MEANING: Being open or transparent with others. “I’ve also said things in the heat of the moment that I regretted…remember when I called Joe ‘lazy’?”
Stating One’s Own Ideas 6 MEANING: Putting your own ideas into meaningful and logical words and phrases so that they are easily understood. “My plan is bold; my plan is different, but my plan will save us $1,000 in two weeks!”
Giving and receiving feedback There’s a right way to give feedback (that maintains a positive relationship)… And there’s a wrong way to give feedback (that makes others feel de-valued and bad.
Some guidelines for giving constructive feedback: 1. Focus on recent events. 2. Be descriptive. 3. Be non-judgmental. 4. Be non-coercive. 5. Focus on behaviors that can be changed.
Work Ethic Revisited Punctuality Attendance Productive Interpersonal skills & Team player Work Ethic needed to succeed! Work Ethic needed to succeed! Independence Time management Flexibility / Adaptability Responsibility Appearance Honesty Dependability Merit-based understanding Willingness to learn Enthusiasm Enjoyment Cultural diversity Social tolerance
Plus/Delta Evaluating Plus – Keep-LikeDelta-Change