New Testament BCM 103 Dr. Dave Mathewson Gordon College/Denver Seminary
Purpose of Philippians What do we know of the city of Philippi? What do we know of the city of Philippi? Macedonia, Alexander’s father Macedonia, Alexander’s father To explain Paul’s circumstances in prison To explain Paul’s circumstances in prison To thank the Philippians for their financial support To thank the Philippians for their financial support To address problems in the church (chs. 2 & 4) To address problems in the church (chs. 2 & 4) Disunity Disunity Judaizers Judaizers
Themes of Philippians What is the dominant theme that unifies the book? What is the dominant theme that unifies the book? Main Themes: joy, suffering, participating in the gospel, correct thinking Main Themes: joy, suffering, participating in the gospel, correct thinking May not have one theme May not have one theme
The “Christ Hymn” Christ’sChrist’s HeavenlyExaltation StatusHumiliation
Discussion of Christ Hymn Isa. 45:22f Uniqueness of God Isa. 45:22f Uniqueness of God Verse on uniqueness of God gets applied to Jesus in Philippians 2; high Christology Verse on uniqueness of God gets applied to Jesus in Philippians 2; high Christology What is purpose of this hymn? What is purpose of this hymn? Is it Christology teaching? Is it Christology teaching? Most important text in ch. 2 is verses 1-6 Most important text in ch. 2 is verses 1-6 Hymn is functioning as model of behavior Paul wants in his readers Hymn is functioning as model of behavior Paul wants in his readers
Tell/mound of Colossae
Theatre at Colossae
City of Collosae What do we know of the city? What do we know of the city? Rather insignificant, destroyed by 60 AD by earthquake Rather insignificant, destroyed by 60 AD by earthquake Paul did not visit the city itself—2:1 Paul did not visit the city itself—2:1
Similarity to Ephesians Overlaps in places with Ephesians (cf. Synoptic problem) Overlaps in places with Ephesians (cf. Synoptic problem) Perhaps Paul might have written Colossians first and then he thought it fits a much wider readership (Eph.) Perhaps Paul might have written Colossians first and then he thought it fits a much wider readership (Eph.)
Was there a False Teaching at Colossae? So What Had Paul so upset? So What Had Paul so upset? No No Yes: 2:4, 4, Yes: 2:4, 4, A Mediating Position A Mediating Position
The Colossian “Heresy” Food and drink Food and drink New moons, festivals, sabbaths New moons, festivals, sabbaths Worship of angels and visions Worship of angels and visions Harsh treatment of the body Harsh treatment of the body Essenes/Qumran Community/Dead Sea Scrolls community—mystical apocalyptic type Judaism Essenes/Qumran Community/Dead Sea Scrolls community—mystical apocalyptic type Judaism
Why is Paul writing? Warning readers not to be led astray to Judaizing teaching as an alternative in Christ. Don’t need mystical/asceticism/ visionary experiences. They don’t need that they have everything in Christ Jesus Warning readers not to be led astray to Judaizing teaching as an alternative in Christ. Don’t need mystical/asceticism/ visionary experiences. They don’t need that they have everything in Christ Jesus
Colossians Theme: the Supremacy of Christ Theme: the Supremacy of Christ 1:15-20 – another Christ hymn (Phil ) Christ is Lord over creation: vv Christ is Lord over the new creation: vv “Image of the invisible God” Christ is embodiment of OT wisdom “Firstborn of all creation” – Ps. 89 “Firstborn of all creation” – Ps. 89 What more do they need?