Preventing Child Abuse AIM: Students will identify abusive situations. Students will demonstrate refusal techniques to help protect themselves.
Twelve-year-old Carla is home alone when her mother's thirty-something boyfriend, Michael, comes to visit. Carla is shy and doesn't want to appear rude to Michael, so she lets him come in. Michael hasn't been there long before he comes over to Carla and stands really close to her. He begins to lean toward her face and say things about her body. She is very uncomfortable but doesn't know what to do or say. She backs up a little bit, but Michael follows her and puts his hands on her and starts to kiss her. Carla pulls away, and Michael gets angry and shoves her down. Before he leaves, he yells at her saying if she tells her mother what happened, he will say she came on to him. Carla is upset and doesn't know what to do.
Group Work pages/ pages/1193
Help A Friend pages/ pages/1194