Causes of WWI A-Alliances: European nations signed secret treaties that created a system of alliances pitting nation versus nation N-Nationalism: There were intense feelings of nationalism in Europe, and on the part of oppressed nationalities I-Imperialism: Competition to develop vast empires caused tension and conflict M-Militarism: Nations built huge armies to defend themselves and help gain these empires. It was a natural feeling for them to want to use these militaries. A-Anarchy: There was no international organization to help them deal with their problems. L-Leadership: There was a lack of leadership and naiveté to the impacts of war.
1914 Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary visits Serbia Francis Ferdinand and his wife are assassinated(by Bosnian activist working for the Black Hand) Austria was upset about the assassination, they demanded reparations, or threatened to attack Serbia is allied with Russia, so Russia announces full mobilization of armed forces
Austria-Hungary is allied with Germany Germany declares war on Russia Germany declares war on France and Belgium Britain declares war on Germany
Alliances Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria, Italy Triple Entente: France, Great Britain, Russia
*Alliances change: Central -Germany, Austria- Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria Allied -Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy.