My Introduction Did you know how the revolutionary war started? The Boston Massacre was one of the events. There were many other causes that upset the colonists.
The proclamation of 1763 The Proclamation of 1763 was the first event that made the colonists upset which led to war. The king drew a line in the middle of the map and didn’t allow the colonists on the other side. The colonists were upset because they wanted to cross the other side to build on the empty land.
The Stamp Act The Stamp Act made the colonists buy a stamp for many things. Cards, mail and newspapers were some of the things that had to have a stamp. The colonists were upset because they didn’t get to vote on the people making a tax.
The Townshend Act The Townshend Acts was another act that the colonists did not like. This act put a tax on things that were bought from Britain. Some of the things that were taxed was tea, lead, paint, and glass.
The Boston Massacre The Boston Massacre was a cause that gained the colonists support. The British soldiers shot five colonists because they where protesting in Boston. The colonists said that it was the British’s fault when really it was both of there faults.
The Tea Act The colonists hated the fact that the tea was taxed. The colonists dressed up as Indians and dumped the tea into the water. Here are some of the things that were taxed paper, paint, glass, lead and tea.
Boston Tea Party The Boston Tea Party upset the colonists. The Boston Tea Party occurred when the British started to tax tea. If anyone was caught with tea they would be hung covered in tar and feathers and be killed and to make sure they dumped all of the tea in the water.
The Intolerable Acts Intolerable Acts were laws made. First some of the laws that were made the colonists did not like. Second the laws were made by the British government some of the laws that made the colonists mad was the tea party and paying taxes.
Conclusion Hopefully you learned how the Revolutionary War started. Also that there wasn’t just one event that happened, there were many things that started the Revolutionary War.