Section 2 Native Americans The Native Americans are obviously very important to this topic as they were the native people. There other names include American.


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Presentation transcript:

Section 2 Native Americans The Native Americans are obviously very important to this topic as they were the native people. There other names include American Indians or Plains Indians. This is because Chris Columbus thought that the had reached India and not America in 1492.

- The Native Americans are not a single group of people, instead they are made up of many different tribes as you can see below. Tribes Sioux Cheyenne Blackfoot Apache

Buffalo - The Native Americans were very well adapted to their environment. - They relied heavily on the buffalo which roamed the Plains in huge herds before their mass slaughter in the 1870s. - The Native Americans were very well adapted to their environment. - They relied heavily on the buffalo which roamed the Plains in huge herds before their mass slaughter in the 1870s. Provided meat Provided skins for wool, clothing, shoes, harness and tipis Provided bones for tools and weapons Provided sinews for bow strings and ropes They were considered a gift from the Great Spirit Their destruction by settlers affected the Native American way of life.

Horses Horses brought change and improvement - horses made hunting and travel much easier. - as tribal boundaries were changeable, horses made it easier to move from one place to another. - Horses were used effectively in combat. - Members were taught to ride from a young age and were therefore very skilled horsemen. Why the long face?

Lifestyles Their view of the world - Land could not be bought or sold. - Generosity was expected, particularly from the chief. - Some possessions were treasured but Native Americans never had more than they would need. Their view of the world - Land could not be bought or sold. - Generosity was expected, particularly from the chief. - Some possessions were treasured but Native Americans never had more than they would need. Men’s roles - All men were warriors, fighting rival tribes was a way to gain respect. - Completing symbolic acts of bravery like touching and enemy and running away. - Warfare was heavily ingrained tribal culture. Men’s roles - All men were warriors, fighting rival tribes was a way to gain respect. - Completing symbolic acts of bravery like touching and enemy and running away. - Warfare was heavily ingrained tribal culture. Women’s roles - Farming and agriculture - Collecting food - Making tipis and clothes - Making goods - Making dried meat

Religion and Tradition Nature - Humans were part of the world and it was not their role to rule over it. - They believed in the Great Spirit, this a similar idea to God in Christianity and Islam. - All parts of nature had a spiritual identity and was therefore not to be misused. Circles and Spirits - Native Americans believed everything was connected and therefore the never ending shape of a circle was very important. - Animals had spirits and should be shown respect through rituals and dance. - Even mountains and rocks were thought to have sprits. Activities like mining and using dynamite would upset them.

Religion and Tradition Medicine Men - These members of the tribe had a special connection to the spirit world. - These men were able to use this connection to gain strength, courage and powers of healing. An oral history - The Native Americans did not have writing. Important ideas were passed down verbally. - This type of history has its problems as stories can be easily lost or altered. - Native Americans were susceptible to European diseases like smallpox and some stories were lost.

Think time… - How might the Native American way of life causes problems when white settlers arrive? - How do you think white settlers viewed the land they were soon to conquer? - How could Native American culture be removed? Would it be easy?