11 Education Plan Lab Interactions Jayathi Murthy Purdue University
2 Undergraduate: Freshmen-level introductory course on modeling and simulation (ENG103) Undergraduate research (SURF) Advanced technical electives Graduate: Advanced courses on predictive modeling and simulation Research workshops Seminar series Short courses on HPC, programming Education Plan Objective: Significantly increase literacy/interest of US students in modeling and high-performance computing. Upcoming HPC Workshop September 2008 Introduction to HPC Fundamentals of parallel processing MPI Hands-on exercises using LAMMPS Guest lectures
3 Network for Computational Nanotechnology (NCN) $30M NSF-funded center (since 2002) Key NCN participants on PRISM team: Aluru, Murthy, McLennan, Strachan, Koslowski Over 760 resources: online simulation tools, courses, presentations, learning modules, podcasts, animations, online meetings Over 380 contributors from 180 countries Over 26,000 total users that includes over 5,900 simulation users
4 New Hubs Online IndianaCTSI.orgIndianaCTSI.org – Anantha Shekhar, IUPUI clinical and translational research in healthcare online since 10/1/2007 with 1,434 visitors thermalHUB.orgthermalHUB.org – Tim Fisher, ME Purdue heat transfer online since 12/6/2007 with 4,029 visitors pharmaHUB.orgpharmaHUB.org – Rex Reklaitis, ChE Purdue pharmaceutical product development and manufacturing online since 12/11/2007 with 1,411 visitors GlobalHUB.orgGlobalHUB.org – Dan Hirleman, ME Purdue global engineering education online since 12/17/2007 with 686 visitors manufacturingHUB.orgmanufacturingHUB.org – John Sullivan, Purdue DP advanced manufacturing techniques online since 5/30/2008 cceHUB.orgcceHUB.org – Marietta Harrison, Purdue DP cancer care engineering online since 6/11/2008 memsHUB cseHUB?
5 Computational Science and Engineering (CS&E) Interdisciplinary graduate specialization program started in 1995 Over 50 MS and PhD students and 137 faculty in 2007 including 6 PRISM members 14 core courses in HPC architectures, parallel algorithms, programming, and visualization Over 60 relevant CSE courses in disciplines ranging from computational biology to nuclear engineering Require all PRISM graduate students to take specialization Enrich program with more topical courses
6 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) NSF, NIST and industry funded since 2003 Summer and year-round paid research: 186 SURF students in faculty across 21 Engineering and Science Pathway to advanced degrees in STEM: Over 50% of SURF students apply to grad schools
7 Interactions with Labs Collaborations in critical areas Validation data generation, sample fabrication LAMMPS development Linear solver development (PetSC) Summer students Joint participation in short courses, workshops, seminar series Thesis committees Sabbaticals (Purdue Labs)