S TE M Programs in NH’s Primary and Secondary Schools 15 years of progress in Technology and Pre-Engineering educational programs you probably never knew existed
What about the T and E in STEM? There’s a lot of talk about Technology and Engineering at the Community College and University levels. However, there is little discussion or understanding about how or where Technology and Engineering fit in secondary education. We will need to more than double incoming STEM oriented students to double the post secondary graduation rate.
Quick History of NH Pre-Engineering Education Early 1990s - Nationwide alarm on the high attrition rates and declining college engineering enrollments Project Lead the Way (PLTW) developed in NY state Best practices based, rigorous, pre-engineering curriculum for high school students to prepare them for college level engineering programs 1998 – Two NH high schools become the first outside of NY to use PLTW. More schools begin to adopt PLTW. NH PLTW Advisory Council formed – NHTI designated as the first institution outside of NY certified to train teachers for PLTW courses
Quick History of NH Pre-Engineering Education 2002 – Legislation passed for NH DOE to provide matching grants to schools and CTE centers for pre-engineering labs and equipment. Governor’s Pre-Engineering Technology Advisory Council (PETAC) established to promote and approve pre-engineering curricula – PETAC approves Engineering by Design (EbD) as an additional pre-engineering curriculum. More schools added. By $1.6 million granted to 19 high schools, 5 middle schools, and 20 CTE centers to establish pre-engineering curricula. Over 2000 students actively involved in PLTW, EbD, and other pre- engineering courses. PLTW courses are now offered in all 50 states and serve over 400,000 students. Many high school pre-engineering students are eligible for college credit at engineering schools throughout the US.
What’s Taught in Pre-Engineering Classes? Introduction to Engineering Design Using 3D CAD modeling software to design solutions to engineering and design problems Principles of Engineering Introduction to major engineering concepts (mechanisms, energy, statics, materials, and kinematics). Developing problems solving skills and applying their knowledge to projects
What’s Taught in Pre-Engineering Classes? Specialization Courses - vary with school Aerospace Engineering Biotechnical Engineering Civil Engineering and Architecture Computer Integrated Manufacturing Digital Electronics
What’s Taught in Pre-Engineering Classes? Capstone Course Engineering Design and Development Teams work to design and develop an original solution to a valid, open-ended technical problem by applying their accumulated knowledge of engineering principles. Requires project definition, research, design, fabrication, testing, presentation and defense. All these classes take place during the school day and are taught over a period of several years
Are These Programs Working? Are There More Engineering Students? From the dean of the engineering school at Lehigh University: “The new academic year brought to campus yet another record- setting class of first year Lehigh Engineers. For the first time in over 30 years, the undergraduate engineering enrollment has exceeded arts and science, and business, representing 44.5% of the incoming class. Quality indicators such as SAT scores and high-school rankings also continue to rise. Our graduate programs are seeing healthy growth in enrollment as well, with notable increases in both professional master’s and research-track programs.”
UNH Incoming STEM Class – Fall 2013 ( Survey 0f 342 primarily engineering and undeclared students – 25% response rate ) Total Durham freshmen STEM enrollment of 474, up 18% over last year 225 declared engineering majors 90 undeclared (most will end up in engineering) Balance physical sciences, math, computer science Freshmen who had pre-engineering classes in secondary school – 53.5% Freshmen who took PLTW courses – 22.1% (41% of those who took pre-engineering classes) Freshmen who participated in FIRST Robotics – 19.8%
NH Pre-Engineering Enrollment ( CTE 2011, 2012, 2013 and HS 2011 only ) School YearEnrollmentConcentrators (2 courses) Completers (4 courses) 2011 (CTE) (HS Pre-Eng ) ? 109 ?
Issues Rigorous classes eligible for college credit, yet not given proper academic recognition in New Hampshire Not recognized for NH Scholars Program Students are counseled out of Pre-Engineering for AP classes. General misunderstanding that the Pre-Engineering courses comprising an approved program are a viable and desirable pathway for students. Awareness Even after 15 years in NH and in 43 school districts and regional CTE centers, many educators are not aware of these programs.
Issues CTE Centers Play a vital role in Technology, Engineering, and Career oriented education A key, but non-traditiona l component of the T&E portion of STEM for college bound students Have an image and awareness issue Engineering programs are expensive to maintain Lab equipment and computers, software, licensing, facilities, teacher training Statewide EbD license at risk Granite State K-12 Engineering Education Fund has been established by PETAC Donor advised fund in NHCF Will help support school districts to fund their programs Needs pledges of $25,000 to get started.
What Can the Coalition Do? Help increase awareness of existing, approved pre- engineering programs Reduce time and money spent on re-inventing the pre- engineering wheel Help pre-engineering programs get the proper academic recognition Should improve the number of concentrators and completers to give a quick boost to STEM graduates Break down the educational “silos” Help increase awareness of the pre-engineering education fund to allow us to reach a funding level where we can help schools maintain their existing pre- engineering programs