Pedro Rafael Alonso Principal WELCOME Pedro Rafael Alonso Principal Mary Cortes mecortes1@cps.edu 773-534-5100 / extension 22023
Brian Tennison Assistant Principal 773-534-5100 bctennison@cps.edu WELCOME Brian Tennison Assistant Principal 773-534-5100 bctennison@cps.edu
Aida Flores Resident Principal 773-534-5100 aflores154@cps.edu WELCOME Aida Flores Resident Principal 773-534-5100 aflores154@cps.edu
Von Steuben’s Vision and Mission
Von Steuben MSC Vision Mission We envision a school that fosters a culture of responsibility built on scientific thinking. Our graduates will succeed in and contribute to a competitive and ever-changing world. Mission Our purpose is to prepare our students for an ever-changing cultural and technological world. We employ scientific approaches to teaching and learning. We collaborate across disciplines to design curriculum and deliver instruction to support student achievement at or above grade level. We insist on a culture of responsibility and opportunity for achievement built by students, parents, teachers, staff, and administrators. The expectations of involvement, self-discipline, and mutual respect extends to all members of the our school community.
Von Steuben Motto If I do not know, I will find out.
Data Driven Decision Making
Von Steuben’s PLTW Engineering Program Real World Connections. Projected Based. Something for Everyone: Classes – Enter as a freshman or sophomore Engineering Club – Monday 3:55, Room 216 Design and Print Team (3D printing) – Tuesday 3:55, Room 216 National curriculum offered in all 50 states at over 5,000 schools and partnered with top universities and businesses.
Progress reports will be mailed the week of the following dates. 5 September 25, 2013 16 December 11, 2013 25 February 26, 2014 34 May 7, 2014
REPORT CARDS Midterm Week Date I 10 November 12, 2013 II 30 These report cards may be picked up during Parent-Teacher Conferences on the dates below 12—6:45 p.m. Midterm Week Date I 10 November 12, 2013 II 30 April 7, 2014 These report cards will be mailed to parents and issued to students after the following dates. Semester Week Date I 20 January 23, 2014 II 40 June 10, 2014
FREE/REDUCED LUNCH FORMS Free/Reduce Lunch Form. This form must be completed ASAP
Close Campus Students WILL NOT be allowed to go off of campus for lunch.
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL Required Items: $200 Student Fee (if not already paid) How: CASH, Cashiers Checks made payable to Von Steuben MCS or credit cards. Medical Health record (Especially if participating in athletic teams) Notebook and pencil or pen Backpack without wheels $5 Master Lock fee for gym locker purchased at Von Steuben Recommended Items: Cellular Phone Request Form Room 118 or downloaded at www.vonsteuben.org $28 Physical Education Uniform Fee if not already purchased Optional P.E. clothing: sweat pants, and long sleeve shirts. These can be purchased in the gym.
Start time for all students. First Day of School Monday, August 26, 2013 8:30 a.m. Start time for all students. Freshmen student will report to the auditorium. Students will attend all of their classes, meet their teachers and be dismissed at 3:35 p.m.
First Week: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 a.m. Start time for all students. Freshmen student will report to the auditorium. Students will attend all of their classes, meet their teachers and be dismissed at 3:40 p.m.
School opens at 7:45 a.m. for students SCHEDULE 2013-2014 School opens at 7:45 a.m. for students Monday through Friday Period 1 8:30-9:20 Period 2 9:25-10:15 Period 3 10:20-11:10 Period 4 11:15-12:05 Period 5 12:10-1:00 Period 6 1:05-1:55 Period 7 2:00-2:50 Period 8 2:55-3:45
Websites to visit: www.criticalthinking.org www.cps.edu http:// www.criticalthinking.org www.cps.edu www.vonsteuben.org www.act.org www.act.org/onlineprep/
Have a great day!! Thank You We look forward to working together with you and your treasured child. Have a great day!!
Administration Principal- Pedro Alonso palonso@cps.edu Mary Cortes mecortes1@cps.edu Assistant Principal- Brian Tennison bctennison@cps.edu Assistant Principal- Jodi Pinkerton jpinkerton@cps.edu 773-534-5100