Advisor Training for Orientation & Enrollment May
June 2013 Orientation & Enrollment 2345 Orientation & Enrollment 6 Orientation & Enrollment 7 Orientation & Enrollment Wildcat Warm-up 8 Orientation & Enrollment Wildcat Warm-up 9 Wildcat Warm-up 1011 Transfer Orientation & Enrollment 12 Orientation & Enrollment 13 Orientation & Enrollment 14 Orientation & Enrollment Wildcat Warm-up 15 Orientation & Enrollment Wildcat Warm-up 16 Wildcat Warm-up 1718 Orientation & Enrollment 19 Orientation & Enrollment 20 Orientation & Enrollment 21 Orientation & Enrollment Wildcat Warm-up 22 Wildcat Warm-up 23 Wildcat Warm-up More information about Orientation and Enrollment can be found at:
Orientation & Enrollment Schedule 8:00 a.m. – Check in at the Union 8:30 a.m. – TIPS sessions/Parent Program 9:45 a.m. – K-State Show/Parent Informational sessions 11:15 a.m. – College Orientation sessions 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. – K-State Expo
June O&E Parking Families will receive a parking permit in the mail. This permit allows entrance into the garage at no cost. The families are able to come and go throughout the day as needed with help from attendants
Wildcat Warm-up Pancake Feed with faculty & staff Calling all faculty & staff - please join students attending Wildcat Warm-up for a pancake breakfast feed! Sunday, June 9, 9-10 a.m. Sunday, June 16, 9-10 a.m. Sunday, June 23, 9-10 a.m. K-State Alumni Center Free pancake breakfast will be provided! Ryan Patterson & Cody Kennedy student Information about Wildcat Warm-up:
Math Placement ALGEBRA EXAM <15 Math Review Intermediate Algebra College Algebra General Calculus or Trigonometry CALCULUS EXAM 9-20 Trigonometry Calculus Calculus 2
K-State AlcoholEdu for College program All newly enrolled, degree-seeking students, on the Manhattan and Salina campuses who are under the age of 22 on the first day of classes are required to complete the web- based alcohol education program called AlcoholEdu for College.
AlcoholEdu for College Two part assessment – Part 1: two hour interactive, online educational program about alcohol and drinking behavior in college – Part 2: 15 minute follow up assessment, completed 30 days after part 1. Students who do not complete the program will not be allowed to enroll for Spring
eID staff will be available to help students: – 7:45am-9:30am in Union Station – 9:30am-5:00pm in 214 Hale Library – Call or with questions eID Support
Language Placement Exams Offered for Spanish, French & German 11:00am – 4:00pm in 01 Eisenhower Not necessary to make an appointment
Meningitis Vaccinations Meningitis vaccination is required for all students who live in the residence halls or Jardine Apartments, or a waiver must be signed Meningitis shots will be available on the 1 st floor of the Union for $99 or at Lafene Health Center They will not be offered in the Union on June 11 for Transfer Orientation & Enrollment More information:
TB Testing All newly admitted K-State students are required by Kansas Statute e to complete TB screening the semester they are entering the university. The easy 4 question TB screening will be available through iSIS and must be completed before attending classes for Fall Kansas Statute eavailable through iSIS
TB Testing On June 11 students who are already enrolled will have a hold placed on their account (TBA hold) Anyone enrolling after June 11 will have the hold placed on their account immediately after enrolling.
TB Testing Students will have to fill out the four question survey sent to them in an in order to add or drop classes and be able to enroll in the spring 2014 semester
TB Testing If a student answers no to all of the questions on the survey the hold will be removed If a student answers yes to one of the questions a TBI hold will be placed on their account – Student will need to call Lafene to schedule further testing – this message will show in iSIS – The hold will not be removed until the student calls in and talk to a nurse at Lafene
Parking Permits for Students Students may purchase parking permits online through iSIS. Parking permit costs are added to their tuition bill. If students will live in the residence halls they will sign up for a parking permit after they receive their housing assignment, which will happen after July 1. The permit will be waiting for the student in the lobby of their residence hall after move-in day. If a student will live off campus they will pick up their parking permit in August – location is listed on their iSIS account.
Athletic Passes Students can purchase athletic passes through iSIS beginning in early June as long as they are pre-registered for orientation and enrollment iCAT tickets are sold out. Students can purchase: GA combo for $235 or GA football only for $195
Textbooks To find textbooks required for each course at K-State students may go to Students will enter their course number and receive a list of the ISBN numbers for the textbooks required for their course There are a variety of textbooks options offered by Varney’s Bookstore
Fast facts: -Approximately 900 students take LEAD 212 each fall. We encourage students to take course in fall semester of freshman year because it is a strong first year course to aid students in retention (use of small groups, discuss student strengths, connection with Mapworks) -Freshmen who have received a K-State scholarship are invited to enroll in LEAD 212, however: -Students do NOT have to take LEAD 212 to keep their scholarship -Students who have not received a scholarship CAN enroll in LEAD 212 -Students can take LEAD 212 without having to sign up for the Leadership Studies minor and are still encouraged to take the course -By taking LEAD 212 students will receive -UGE credit -K-State 8 -Students will develop their own philosophy of leadership and also network with other freshmen and upperclassmen LEAD 212: Introduction to Leadership Concepts Human Diversity within the U.S. Historical Perspectives
Fast facts: -Freshmen who have received a K-State scholarship are invited to enroll in LEAD 212, however: -Students do NOT have to take LEAD 212 to keep their scholarship -Students who have not received a scholarship CAN enroll in LEAD 212 -Students can take LEAD 212 without having to sign up for the Leadership Studies minor and are still encouraged to take the course -Prior to Orientation & Enrollment, Students will receive an from Leadership Studies with information about how to enroll. We will also have a booth during the browsing fair for questions. LEAD 212: Introduction to Leadership Concepts
LEAD 212 for Freshmen ALL sections of LEAD 212 in the fall semester are for first term freshmen ELP students enrolling in their first semester of regular courses may enroll in these sections LEAD 212 for Upperclassmen Fall 2013 Sect. NumberUnits Days Hours A LEC M 9:30-11:20 a.m. B LEC T 1:30-3:20 p.m. C LEC U 1:30-3:20 p.m. D LEC W 11:30 a.m.-1:20 p.m. *CAT Community E LEC T 9:30-11:20 a.m. F LEC U 9:30-11:20 a.m. G LEC M 3:30-5:20 p.m. H LEC W2:30-4:20 p.m. I LEC W 9:30-11:20 a.m. *FYS & University Honors Program **this information is available on the line schedule Unique Section Offerings for Freshmen Students are able to take these sections in summer, or spring Offers a different format than large-lecture because college transition material is not covered as much Section D has 22 spots reserved for a CAT Community- Spanish in Action. Section I is offered as a First Year Seminar courses (22 person class). It is also reserved for University Honors Program. Obtain permission in 007 Leasure.
Leadership Studies Minor 18 credit hours – “Standard Focus” and “Nonprofit Focus” 4 core classes (same for both Standard and Nonprofit Focus) – LEAD 212 Introduction to Leadership Concepts (2 credit hours) – LEAD 350 Culture and Context (3 credit hours) – LEAD 405 Leadership in Practice (2 credit hours) – LEAD 450 Senior Seminar (2 credit hours) 3 elective categories (differs for Standard and Nonprofit Focus) – Ethics (3 credit hours) – Theories of Leadership and Organizational Behavior (3 credit hours) – Foundations and Applications (3 credit hours)
Leadership Studies Minor The School of Leadership Studies offers advising for all students interested in learning more about our minor and programs Students are required to sign up for an advising appointment before declaring the minor Students can sign up for an advising appointment in Room 103, Leadership Studies Building We have a Leadership Cluster Floor in Moore Residence Hall For enrollment questions, please contact: Lori Kniffin, Tamara Bauer,
THANK YOU! We value and appreciate the time you spend to help make Orientation & Enrollment special for new K-State students. We recognize that some students attending the program are still undecided about their final college choice and the experience they have will help make that difference. Thank you in advance and please feel free to contact Kiley at with any questions about June Orientation &