“A Changing Ecosystem: Missouri’s Enrollment Trends” Presented by: Brian Crouse Research Associate
The University of Missouri ‑ Columbia is up 1,700 students overall for a total enrollment of 29,761. The record freshman class of 5,812 has 785 more students than last year, for a 15.6 percent increase. Missouri University of Science & Technology (formerly the University of Missouri ‑ Rolla) is up about 4 percent overall from last year. Total enrollment is expected to be around 6,224. According to the Office of Enrollment Services, Westminster expects to start the fall 2008 semester with between 970 ‑ 980 students. This represents a steadily increasing enrollment of 32 percent over a nine-year period. With 90,390 students attending Missouri’s community colleges, six of the 12 community college systems in the state showing growth of five percent or more and four more showing smaller increases, it is becoming clear that the two-year institutions are in demand.
22 Yrs of Missouri Freshmen Enrollments
Missouri Enrollments Missouri increased in Enrollment of First-Time, Full-Time Freshmen by 12,233 Students in 10 years. A 28.8% increase over freshmen entering college over a 10 year time span.
Missouri Public and Nonpublic High School Graduates through (actual), through (projected)
The Decline in Enrollment Missouri will reach peak high school graduation numbers at 62,500 in 2009 ‑ 2010 Missouri will then decline in high school graduates by 7.6% or 4,800 until 2014 ‑ 1015 Missouri is then expected to increase returning to its 2009 ‑ 2010 level by 2021 ‑ 2022
The Peaks and Valleys of Missouri’s Enrollment Past and Future
Demographic Changes
Minority Changes
The Changing Tide From 2004 ‑ 2005 to 2014 ‑ 2015 Missouri will see a projected 7.1% decrease in the amount of White Non ‑ Hispanic public high school students graduating from 47,485 to 44,070. An increase in minority groups is projected to take place during this decline in White Non ‑ Hispanics, with all other minority groups increasing on a whole from 10,356 in 2004 ‑ 2005 to a projected increased amount in 2014 ‑ 2015 to 13,660, a 31% increase in non ‑ white public high school graduates.
Demographic Change in Missouri until 2022
All time high for the state with a total of 75,661 Freshmen submitting FAFSA Applications First-time Freshmen filling the FAFSA in for 19 and under was 44,270
FAFSA filers increased by 7.14% As the amount of Missouri 12 grade students has increased, there has been a closing of the gap in discrepancy between students that File a FAFSA application. Still much work to be done in bringing underserved populations in-line with FAFSA Priority Deadlines.
FAFSA Applicants by Gender and Age
Missouri FAFSA Applications by Date of Filing Data analysis provided by Dr. Mark Elhert and Susan Li of the University of Missouri
College Goal Sunday Sunday, February 8, 2009 Available throughout Missouri Benefits for attending: –Financial aid professional assistance available –In-depth, line-by-line explanation of the FAFSA form –Deadline announcements Official website:
Remediation and the Missouri Student
Missouri’s International Student Population Trend
10 Year Trend of International Students in Missouri
Data Sources for Presentation DHE (Department of Higher Education) –EMSAS (Enhanced Missouri Student Achievement Study)- FAFSA Data WICHIE –Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education –“Knocking at the College Door “ DESE- Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Assistance Provide on FAFSA Data Analysis by Dr. Mark Elhert and Susan Li- University of Missouri Assistance Provide on Remediation Data Analysis-Jeffrey Smith- DHE Assistance Provide on International Student Data- Jeremy Kinitzle- DHE
Questions? 3515 Amazonas Drive Jefferson City, MO 651O9 (8OO) (573) Fax (573)