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Biology Biology 111/112 (GenBio) or 211 (PoB I) 111/112 (GenBio) or 211 (PoB I) (orientation for pre-med only) (orientation for pre-med only) Chemistry Chemistry 215/216 (GenChem I) or … 215/216 (GenChem I) or … English 101 or … English 101 or … Freshmen Experience (UGS 100) Freshmen Experience (UGS 100) other electives other electives Introductory Overview
1. TAKE General Biology (BIOL 111/112 Lec/Lab) 2. BUT if ACT Comprehensive is > 23 or you have GenBio credit, then TAKE Principles of Biology I (BIOL 211) 3. If you are let’s talk. Biology Courses
1. IF your MATH ACT > 20 or you have an Intro Chem class, then TAKE General Chem Lec/Lab (CHEM 215/216 Lec/Lab) 2. IF NOT, THEN TAKE College Algebra MATH OR WAIT a semester 3. IF YOU HAVE CREDIT IN CHEM I, THINK ABOUT CHEM II Chemistry Courses
English Comp 1. No credit ? TAKE ENGL Got credit via ACT (and Eng Dept letter)? ENROLL in ENGL
1. IF you are a Biology pre-med emphasis (MD, DO, DDS, DVM, DOpt), TAKE BIOL Pre-health Orientation 2. other hours to make at least Freshmen Experience for all OtherStuff
Biology Biology 111/112 (GenBio) or 211 (PoB I) 111/112 (GenBio) or 211 (PoB I) (orientation for pre-med) (orientation for pre-med) Chemistry Chemistry 215/216 (GC) or prereq 215/216 (GC) or prereq English 101 (or as placekeeper) English 101 (or as placekeeper) other electives other electives Freshmen Experience (UGS 100) Freshmen Experience (UGS 100) Final Review
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