Presentation to the Board of Regents President M. Duane Nellis Texas Tech University October 10, 2014
Enrollment Record Year Highest total increase since 1965; third-highest since 1925 Graduate Enrollment Increase of 7% to 6,526 Retention 83.5% One-Year Retention (First-Time Freshmen Fall 2013) Increase of 1% over last year; 2.8% increase over last two years Hispanic Enrollment 22.2% of undergraduate enrollment Hispanic Serving Institution International Enrollment 1,716 – increase from 1,327 in Fall ‘13
Scenario of Growth Model (Freshmen Enrollment) Increase Retention to 90% and Increase New Freshmen to Have 32,000 Undergraduates Preliminary Fall 2014 Fall 2015Fall 2016Fall 2017Fall 2018Fall 2019Fall 2020 Incoming Freshmen5,6255,100 New Undergraduate Transfers2,9383,000 Total Count8,5638,100 Fall 2013Fall 2014Fall 2015Fall 2016Fall 2017Fall 2018Fall 2019Fall 2020 Freshmen6,5657,8327,5967,5557,5467,5447,542 Sophomore5,7706,0636,8656,9407,0387,0817,1227,126 Junior6,1516,1366,5587,2217,3837,5037,5467,578 Senior8,5588,6598,3158,5619,1349,4639,6729,779 Total27,04428,69029,33430,27731,10131,59131,88232,025 Retention Change Cumulative Effect Fall 2014Fall 2015Fall 2016Fall 2017Fall 2018Fall 2019Fall 2020 New Freshmen Retention Rate Fr-Soph2.0%4.0%5.5%7.0%7.5%8.0% Soph-Jr2.0%3.5%5.0%5.5%6.0% Jr-Sr0.0% Annual Adjustment (Deviation from Current %) Fr-Soph2.0% 1.5% 0.5% 0.0%90.0% Soph-Jr2.0%1.5% 0.5% 0.0% 77.0% Jr-Sr0.0%
Research Expenditures Total: increase of 12% to $153,737,959 Restricted: increase of 15% to $46,900,666 Federal: increase of 10% to $37,306,547 Proposals/Awards 16% increase in proposals 24% increase in total awards 13% increase in federal awards
Recent Highlights U.S. News & World Report Rankings No. 156 overall; No. 84 public Increase of 5 spots overall; 9 in last two years Military Friendly Campus sixth-straight year Rawls College of Business ranked No. 3 nationally College Atlas’ A-List: Best Business Schools 2015 Rankings College of Visual & Performing Arts programs accredited
Research Park Board of Directors Finalized First meeting later this month Planning TTIME recruitment 3-Day Startup Weekend Naming Rights TECHcelerator
New Building Needs Tuition Revenue Bond ESB II College of Engineering Expansion/Renovation HEAF Life Safety Upgrade College of Engineering Former Petroleum Engineering Former Mass Communication Auxiliaries Wall/Gates Residence Hall Renovations (Summer 2015) New Residence Hall (Fall 2017)
Fundraising Efforts and Needs Scholarships/Endowments College of Engineering College of Visual & Performing Arts Athletics
Campus Safety Task Force on Greek Organization Culture Dr. Juan Muñoz, Sr. Vice President and Vice Provost, Chair Members identified and appointed