Timberlane Regional High School January 3, 2013
“We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.” ―Franklin Delano Roosevelt 2
Our goals for the program Personalization Collaboration Communication
How has the Freshman Academy improved personalization? 1)Student-Focused Teacher Meetings 2)Advisory 3)Freshman Adventurelore Day
How has Freshman Academy improved collaboration? 1)Common planning time 2)Team-wide mini-units 3)Use of common themes and vocabulary 4)Creation of focused academy-wide study skills 5)Professional camaraderie and sharing between disciplines and levels
How has Freshman Academy improved communication? 1)Teacher to Teacher Communication 2)Parent Meetings 3)Teacher-Student-Parent Communication loop 4)Consistency of Procedural Implementation 5)Support for All Students
Are we finding success? 1)The number of students failing any class Q1 dropped from 27 in 2011 to 13 in )Results of our 9 th grade transitional survey showed that 94% of all 9 th graders were at least somewhat comfortable with their teachers, with 78% being comfortable or very comfortable with them.
What are we working on moving forward? 1)We are continuing to assess and revise current team practices to keep them consistent and student focused. 2)We are continuing to revise and build on our Advisory activities. 3)We are continuing to create support plans to help all of our students achieve at their highest level possible.