a.Revision and approval of GE program b.Development and approval of semester courses c.Revision and approval of academic programs d.Creation and implementation of ongoing communication plan e.Creation and development of advising plan f.Creation and development of articulation agreements g.Revision and approval of Faculty Handbook h.Implementation of revised/new Common Management System (CMS)
DescriptionTotal No. Need Further Action EPC Approved Courses 4, ,758 GE Courses Programs
No. of Courses Completed 3376 No. of Programs Completed 120
2015 March 1 Articulation course lists finalized. Simple conversion courses list. Modified courses list. Configuration of CMS for existing articulation rules will begin. June Campus Fall 2016 e-Catalog will be completed. Begin direct communication to our primary feeder community colleges May Articulated semester courses will be uploaded into ASSIT NEXT GEN.
Categories Policies with Changes Needed Right Away for Conversion Basic Skills Program, Credit for Transfer Work, RP Grades … Policies with More Time to Review Credit for Examinations, Early Entrance Program, Academic Honesty … Actions Editorial Refer to EOC Refer to Other ( Athletics, Deleted…) Refer to Provost Refer to SPC
2014 December Appointment-Plus purchased for 14 “centers” January Training and implementation of Appointment-Plus. Individualized Advisement Plan (IAP) design completed. Q2S Advisement Allocations sent to Colleges Number of majors Requirements for distribution to SSPS and faculty Appointment of Q2S Advisement Coordinator in each College
2015 February Training of Faculty and SSPs CMS training – by Registrar GE training – by UAAC and UGS Major Programs training – by Colleges March IAP advisement begins. IAP advisement strongly encouraged, but not required. Order of roll-out: CBE, ECST, HHS, NSS, A&L, CCOE
2015 March Advisement cohorts Pre-transition undergraduates: After WQ 2015, 110 quarter units earned Pre-transition graduates: All current Transition (IAPs) Current students with fewer than 110 units earned after WQ 2105 Fall 2015 first-time freshmen and transfers WQ 2016 transfers SPQ 2016 transfers April All templates for the CAAR (degree audit) reports completed.
Presentations and Events Approx. 35 reaching over 6,000 current students and high school and community college counselors 2014 Summer Orientation (Approx. 5,000 Freshmen and Transfers) Outreach Postcards (Admissions) Transition Guides (Brochures) Conversion Plus Posters, Fall Faculty Day (CETL) Campus Wide (Public Affairs) Q2S Video (Golden Eagle Television) TV Screen Promo (U-SU) Banners Conversion Reception with President and Provost Student Ambassadors
2015 Advisement Center Locations (Faculty and UAAC) Student Organizational Meeting (U-SU) Pledge to Students & Advisor Information (University Times) Meet & Greets (ASI and Colleges) University Orientation (Approx. 5,000 Freshmen and Transfers) Q2S Social Media Day (Public Affairs) Q2S Advising Video Campus Wide (Public Affairs) Conversion Cookout Promotion Appointment Plus & Waitlist Capability (Public Affairs) Clothing and Publicity Items (Reprographics) Ongoing Communications Websites (Semester Conversion, Cal State LA, and ASI) Transition Guides (Associate Deans Offices and Centers) University Orientation Social Media (Weekly Posts) Banners