The GEMS Program G eneral E ducation M athematics S cholars
The Program Goal? Improve student learning in General Education Mathematics (GEM) courses.
Why Math? All of our freshmen come to us with strengths and areas to improve … often math is one of those areas! MAT 125 (Algebra I) & MAT 126 (Algebra II) are required of all Lane College freshmen. How do we know?????
Here comes the data …
why data … SACS says we must be data-driven
.ACT Scores.CAAP Scores.ASSET Scores.Course Completion 4 Data Points
Hang in there with me … it will be painless!!!
Freshmen ACT Math Scores 92% of our Freshmen score below ACT’s benchmark for success …. 22
Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency Scores Our students are continuously scoring below the national average in mathematics
Assessment of Skills for Successful Entry and Transfer Our students are scoring below the 3-Year national average in mathematics
Course Completion The percent of students failing or withdrawing from MAT 126 has increased …
Stay tuned …