Funding Formula Data Work Session Student Information System Website: ▬►Resources ▬►CompleteCollegeTN.


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Presentation transcript:

Funding Formula Data Work Session Student Information System Website: ▬►Resources ▬►CompleteCollegeTN

Funding Formula Measures  All Degrees & Certificates  Awards per 100 FTE  Remedial & Developmental Success  Job Placement  Student Progression  Workforce Training  Research & Service  Dual Enrollment  Six Year Graduation Rate

All Degrees & Certificates  Full academic year (summer, fall, spring); annual number of bachelors, associates, certificates (24 or more credit hours), doctoral, law, masters, and educational specialist degrees awarded.  Applies to community colleges and public universities.  Funding Formula places a 40% premium on adult and low income students for this measure.  Funding Formula used 3-year average of through  Academic years on the CompleteCollegeTN site : to  Data disaggregated on the CompleteCollegeTN site by:  age group  gender  race/ethnicity  Pell eligible (at any time)  remedial and developmental status (at any time)  transfer/first-time students  discipline.

Awards per 100 FTE  Full academic year (summer, fall, spring); annual number of bachelors, associates, and certificates conferred, divided by year-round end-of-term 100 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) enrollment.  FTE enrollment is a year-round count, calculated as total student credit hours accumulated within the academic year divided by 30.  Applies to community colleges and public universities.  No premium for special populations.  Funding Formula used 3-yr avg of through  Academic years on the CompleteCollegeTN site : through  CCTN data disaggregated by:  gender  race/ethnicity  Pell eligible (at any time).

Remedial & Developmental Success  CompleteCollegeTN reports the annual number and percentage of entering first- time undergraduate students who enroll in remedial or developmental education courses in Math, English/reading, or both, and subsequently complete a college- level course.  Funding Formula uses the numbers only.  Applies to community colleges only.  No premium for special populations.  Funding Formula used 3-yr avg of fall 2005 through fall  Cohorts on CompleteCollegeTN: fall 2000 to fall  CCTN data disaggregated by:  gender  race/ethnicity  discipline  Pell eligible (at any time)  age group.

Job Placement  Annual number of placeable graduates from the spring, summer, and fall terms within a calendar year who obtain employment through June 30 of the following year.  Same definition used for Performance Funding/Quality Assurance.  Applies to community colleges only.  No premium for special populations.  Funding Formula used 3-yr avg of through  Academic years on CompleteCollegeTN: through  CCTN data disaggregated by:  None  SIS not utilized in calculating this measure. Data reported to THEC by TBR.

Student Progression  Measured by the number of students reaching predetermined cumulative credit hour benchmarks during an academic year.  In community colleges, students are counted if they reached 12, 24, or 36 credit hours during that academic year.  In public universities, students are counted if they reached 24, 48, or 72 credit hours during that academic year.  Funding Formula places a 40% premium on adult and low income students.  Funding Formula used 3-yr avg of through  Academic years on CompleteCollegeTN: through  CCTN data disaggregated by:  gender  race/ethnicity  discipline  Pell eligible (at any time)  age group  took remedial or developmental classes.

Workforce Training  Total number of contact hours for the academic year.  Contact hours are defined as a minimum of 50 minutes of learning activity for courses or activities that provide individuals with soft skills or technical skill-sets for the workplace but carry no institutional credit applicable toward a degree, diploma, or certificate.  Applies to community colleges only.  No premium for special populations.  Funding Formula used 3-yr avg of through  Academic years on CompleteCollegeTN : through  CCTN data disaggregated by:  None  SIS not utilized in calculating this measure. Data reported to THEC by TBR.

Research & Service  Funding for sponsored programs for the academic year.  Applies to public universities only.  Funding Formula used 3-yr avg of through  Academic years on CompleteCollegeTN : through  CCTN data disaggregated by:  None  SIS not utilized in calculating this measure. Data reported to THEC by system offices.

Dual Enrollment  Full academic year (summer, fall, spring); annual number of students participating in the Dual Enrollment program, not limited to the lottery scholarship Dual Enrollment Grant recipients.  Dual Enrollment allows high school students to be dually enrolled in a high school and a postsecondary institution and receive course credit at both institutions.  Applies to community colleges and public universities.  No premium for special populations.  Funding Formula used 3-yr avg of through  Academic years on CompleteCollegeTN : through  CCTN data disaggregated by:  gender  race/ethnicity  Pell eligible (at any time)  took remedial or developmental classes.

Six Year Graduation Rate  Fall cohort of first time, full-time freshmen and summer first-time freshmen who continued in fall, matched to graduates through sixth academic year.  Applies to public universities only.  Measure counts associate degrees eventually received by university freshmen.  No premium for special populations.  Funding Formula used 3-yr avg of fall 2002 to fall 2004 cohort rates.  Cohorts on CompleteCollegeTN: fall 2000 to fall  CCTN data disaggregated by:  gender  race/ethnicity  Pell eligible (at any time)  took remedial or developmental classes  age group.

Questions/Comments/Feedback? THEC welcomes and appreciates your feedback in the Funding Formula and on the CompleteCollegeTN website. Your input is reflected on the site and in the FF itself. The CompleteCollegeTN website is still evolving and is an ongoing process of continuous improvement! Please contact us for any question/comment/feedback:  David L. Wright:  Chris Brewer:  James Hawkins:  Indrani Ojha: