A Model for Success in STEM for Secondary Students and Teachers
Students succeed in Stem when: It is required for all students; The Curriculum is Interdisciplinary; Teachers and Students work in collaborative teams; Academic work is project based; Students experience hands on problem solving of real world issues; and The school schedule devotes large time blocks to learning and team planning.
Students Learn Collaboration when: They work cooperatively as a member and/or leader of a team. They work cooperatively as a member and/or leader of a team. They understand and use the diverse strengths and skills of the other team members. They understand and use the diverse strengths and skills of the other team members.
When Students Experience Hands-on Learning in the field They: Develop Social Skills, Develop Social Skills, Learn Ethical Responsibility for the Environment and their Communities,and Learn Ethical Responsibility for the Environment and their Communities,and Practice Citizenship Practice Citizenship
To Understand that Technology is an Invaluable Tool Students must gain hands on experience which: Teaches enterprise management,Teaches enterprise management, Builds confidence and understanding of design and application, andBuilds confidence and understanding of design and application, and Introduces engineering conceptsIntroduces engineering concepts
Students Practice Effective Communication Before Peer and Adult Audiences They learn to communicate powerfully in writing, in writing, in conversation, andin conversation, and in presentations, (electronically, visually, and graphically).in presentations, (electronically, visually, and graphically).
When Students Demonstrate Independence in applying knowledge They become an intellectual risk takers, Think creatively, and See the practical application of Research
Project Based Learning Teaches students to: Manage Change and GrowthManage Change and Growth Become a productive, involved team member.
Integrated Biology, English, and Technology IS HOW WE INDUCT FRESHMEN INTO THE JEFFERSON WAY OF THINKING Knowledge is and should be integrated.Knowledge is and should be integrated. There are exciting real-life problems to solve.There are exciting real-life problems to solve. Problem solving is often better as a team effort.Problem solving is often better as a team effort. Even teachers do better in teams and model teaming regularly for their students.Even teachers do better in teams and model teaming regularly for their students. Teams require flexibility, listening, sharing, support and humor. They can be difficult but still successful.Teams require flexibility, listening, sharing, support and humor. They can be difficult but still successful.
IBET IS HOW WE INDUCT FRESHMEN INTO A LARGE, COMPLEX HIGH SCHOOL It provides a safe-haven—a school “home for half of each day.It provides a safe-haven—a school “home for half of each day. It gives every student a group of 72 classmates and four adults to really get to know.It gives every student a group of 72 classmates and four adults to really get to know. It allows the counselor to learn about their new counselees as they work and interact with each other “in the field”.It allows the counselor to learn about their new counselees as they work and interact with each other “in the field”. It allows teams to utilize time in a dramatically different way from the normal period-by-period pattern.It allows teams to utilize time in a dramatically different way from the normal period-by-period pattern.
Monday (45 Minutes) Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Period 7 Period 8 Tuesday (90 Minutes) Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Wednesday (90 Minutes) Period 5 Period 6 Period 7 Period 8 Blocks A&B Thursday (90 Minutes) Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Friday (90 Minutes) Period 5 Period 6 Period 7 Period 8 Blocks A&B Class Schedule IBET Groups
IBET: The Community Partnership Team Project Students learn about local issues through community work. Students are active partners with community agencies and teachers in authentic research. Students are engaged in Service Learning.
All Seniors do a Required Research Project Communication, collaboration, and problem-solving are key components to work success in and out of school The world of work –shows students what skills and behaviors are required to be successful –provides role models
Mentorship Options Work Site Semester Session Summer Session In School with visiting/virtual mentors
Engage everyone in exchange and development of ideas.Engage everyone in exchange and development of ideas. Practice critical and creative thinking and action.Practice critical and creative thinking and action. Provide opportunities for exploration, growth and success for teachers and students.Provide opportunities for exploration, growth and success for teachers and students. Help everyone learn to validate what they know and how they know.Help everyone learn to validate what they know and how they know. Help everyone to build learning strategies for coming to know what they do not know.Help everyone to build learning strategies for coming to know what they do not know. Practice Shared Leadership.Practice Shared Leadership. Make STEM central to the school’s mission.Make STEM central to the school’s mission. Schools are Dynamic Learning Communities when they: Schools are Dynamic Learning Communities when they:
Courses and Content Skills and Applications The Affective History Government Fine Arts Team Work Job Skills Internship Higher Order Thinking Skills Science and Technology Self Esteem Cooperation Responsibility Citizenship Internalizaton Independence Leadership English Math Social Studies Science Foreign Language P.E. Fine Arts Electives Business Ed. Trade & Industrial Ed. Technology Ed. Consumer & Homemaking Marketing Technical Communications Health Occupations Agriculture Computer Applications Learning Communities Pre-collegiate Pre-vocational A commitment to preparing life-long learners.