BY: Katie Duffy Andrew Lebovic Melissa Rodriguez Heather Purvis Providing First Aid & Handling Emergencies: First Aid for Choking, Rescue Breathing, And CPR Chapter 35, Lesson 3 Target Group: 8th grade students in a classroom setting BY: Katie Duffy Andrew Lebovic Melissa Rodriguez Heather Purvis
Purpose: To arm you with the ammunition to combat the worst of emergency situations.
What you need to know: Define key terms listed under vocabulary list Learn proper first aid administration techniques, as well as learn proper CPR and rescue breathing techniques Learn the importance of emergency medicine Learn proper prevention methods concerning emergency medicine
Changing your attitude… Feel comfortable with emergency situations Have a feeling of empowerment by being able to identify emergency situations
What you will be able to do: List the steps for aiding a choking adult, child, and infant Demonstrate the process for administering rescue breathing for adults, children, and infants; demonstrate the steps for administering CPR for adults, children, and infants
Key Terms -Abdominal thrusts (Heimlich maneuver) -respiratory failure -carotid pulse -cardiovascular failure -cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) -Xiphoid Process -Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
Incidences of Sudden Cardiac Arrest From Coronary Heart Disease 900+ times/day in the US >AGE 35= 1/1000 per year <Age 35= 1/100000 per year
Incidences of Choking(2001) <14 years old -17,537 treated in ER FOOD-60% NONFOOD-31% Not Reported-9% *6TH LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH IN U.S.(GLENCOE HEALTH)
Survival Statistics Increased chance of survival with CPR and AED use. -3 to 5 min window *only 24.7% of Cardiac arrest cases received Bystander CPR. (Personal communication, Seattle Medic One, Aug. 2, 2005)
Steps for aiding a choking person -ADULT- (Conscious choking) 1. Encourage forceful coughing 2. Administer five back blows between shoulder blades 3. Administer five abdominal thrusts
Steps for aiding a choking Person cont. -ADULT- (Unconscious choking) 1. Call 9-1-1 1. Attempt two rescue breaths 2. Give 15 chest compressions 3. Check victim's mouth for obstruction and remove if possible 4. If no obstruction, continue with second set of 15 chest compressions 5. Give 2 rescue breaths if chest rises
Steps for aiding a choking Person cont. -CHILD- (conscious choking) 1. Encourage forceful coughing 2. Administer five (5) back blows between shoulder blades 3. Administer five (5) abdominal thrusts
Steps for aiding a choking Person cont. -CHILD- (Unconscious choking) 1. Call 9-1-1 2. Attempt two rescue breaths 3. Give five chest thrusts 4. Look in victim's mouth for obstruction and remove if possible 5. Repeat cycle of rescue breaths, chest thrusts and mouth sweep until two rescue breaths are achieved
Steps for aiding a choking Person cont. -Infants- (Conscious) 1. Turn infant face down and give five back blows 2. Give five chest thrusts (using 2 or 3 fingers)
Steps for aiding a choking Person cont. -Infants- (Unconscious) 1. Call 9-1-1 2. Attempt two rescue breaths 3. Give five chest thrusts 4. Look in victim's mouth for obstruction and remove if possible 5. Repeat cycle of rescue breaths, chest thrusts and mouth sweep until two rescue breaths are achieved
Process for administering rescue breathing Rescue Barriers *always use to protect yourself and victim
Rescue Breathing Process ADULT/CHILD/INFANT 1. Tilt head back 2. Pinch nose
Rescue Breathing Process cont. 3. Give two normal breaths (give time for exhalation between breaths) * If chest does not rise, tilt head more
Introduction to: CPR
Process for administering CPR
Prevention Methods 1. Avoid food that can be a choking hazard 2. Keep dangerous household items away 3. Supervise children 4. Red Cross for kids 5. Learn Information on emergency medicine
Choking Hazards Include… -Hard, raw vegetables -Hot dogs/ sausages sliced into rounds -Whole grapes -Hard candy, pretzels, popcorn, chips -Marshmallows, spoons of peanut butter -Chewing gum
To Prevent Choking… -Shred hard vegetables and fruits -Slice hot dogs lengthwise -Remove pits from fruits -Finely chop seeds and nuts -Spread peanut butter thinly, do not serve directly from spoon
Review of Key Points -Cardiovascular Disease #1 cause of death overall -Accidents #1 cause of death in 14 year olds -Food #1 reason for choking -Only ¼ cardiac arrest victims received bystander CPR -Be familiar with prevention methods