MEANING OF ASSAULTIVE BEHAVIOR Assaultive behavior is a violent behavior against another individual. It could result from both external and Internal factors.
RISK FACTORS TO ASSAULTIVE BEHAVIOR Prejudices Frustrations Hostility Being unmarried Delusion Initial arrest
H EALTH CONDITIONS LINKED WITH ASSAULTIVE BEHAVIOR Acute intoxication Acute paranoid psychosis Antisocial personality disorder Personality disorder
TYPES OF ASSAULTIVE BEHAVIOR Weapon-type assaultive behavior Non weapon-type assaultive behavior
PHYSICAL ASSAULT Physical assault takes place when someone or a group of people attacks a person or persons using weapon or no weapon
SYMPTOMS OF PHYSICAL ATTACK Threat to hurt Outright attack such as punching, beating etc Throwing objects Clenching of jaws
CAUSES OF ASSAULTIVE BEHAVIOR Frustration Paranoia Anger Revenge Monetary gain such as robbery Reaction to medication Substance abuse
MEANING OF ASSAULT CYCLE The Assault cycle is used to describe the stages or phases of assaultive behavior. It shows you what to expect at different stages of assault.
FIVE STAGES OF ASSAULT CYCLE Triggering phase Escalation phase Crisis phase Recovery phase Post-crisis depression phase
AGGRESSION AND VIOLENCE PREDICTICTING FACTORS It is really easy to predict aggressive and violent tendencies in individuals. However, thorough research and studies have identified certain factors and traits in those who are prone to aggression and violence.
INTERNAL FACTORS LINKED WITH AGGRESSION AND VIOLENCE Boredom Fear Grief Humiliation Sense of powerlessness
PRIOR VIOLENCE Whenever someone commits a violent act, it is more likely that such person would exhibit such violent behavior again. Hence, it becomes crucial that we identify people with certain aggressive traits prior to their violent act.
PHYSICAL FACTORS Lack of sleep Use of alcohol Heat Hunger Trauma Risk of violence itself
PERSONAL SAFETY MEASURES Walk away from the scene Avoid direct confrontation with a violent-prone patient Resist the urge to engage in a verbal or even non-verbal assault with a violent patient Call a law enforcement agent such as police You may need to contact a mental health professional
DRUGS USED FOR CHEMICAL RESTRAINTS Benzodiazepines – e.g Lorazepam (Ativan), Diazepam (Valium), Mediazolam ( Versed), etc Haloperidol (Hadol)
CHARACTERISTICS OF AGGRESSIVE AND VIOLENT PATIENTS Aggressive patients are capable of invading other people's privacy They tend to speak louder than necessary They communicate their aggression either verbally or non-verbally Gestures in aggressive patients could be emphatic and appears as threat They often assume an upright posture
RESTRAINING TECHNIQUES Touch support Back head lock Front choke Front choke to the wall One or two hand arm grab The use of applicable verbal communication tactics
STRATEGIES TO AVOID PHYSICAL HARM Assume a defensive standing posture Hair grabs Learn how to defend the face and the entire body Learn how to withstand choking holds or grips Learn about vulnerable targets Learn the right way to approach the aggressive and violent person
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF AGGRESSIVE AND VIOLENT ACT Frequent fidgeting Jaw/ fist clenching Wild look in the eyes Slamming of doors Pacing around and being easily startled