Snakes Snakes Snakes are generous animals. Their bodys without legs and their agile tongues. Snakes are sort two groups. The venom‘s and choke‘s snakes. Snakes are generous animals. Their bodys without legs and their agile tongues. Snakes are sort two groups. The venom‘s and choke‘s snakes. In this picture snake is flinging his tongues.
The venom‘s snakes The venom‘s snakes are (mostly) very danger. In the world are 10 maximum venom‘s snakes. These snakes live in the America, Africa and Australia. Next page are a few venom‘s snakes.
A mamba In the world are two sorts mambas. The first is a black mamba, and the second is a green mamba. These snakes are the very fast. They can fast the 22km/clock. This snake has got fatal. This snake has got fatal. In this picture a green mamba has got terrible look.
The adder The adder lives in Czech republick, too. But we don‘t say about this adder. We say about the more venom‘s adder. The adders live in America, Africa, Europe and Australia. The mostly adders live in desert and dryness zone. In this picture is an adder gabon‘s. She is riseing her head.
A rattlesnake TTTThis snake is very danger. A rattlesnake lives in desert as in Texas. His venom is very strong. On this venom people deads. This rattlesnake is waiting for her quarry.
The choke‘s snakes These snakes live in (nearly) all world. As far Asia as America. Our choke‘s snake lives in Czech republic is a grass snake. The choke‘s snakes represent two snakes.
An anakonda This is long snake. An anakonda lives in swamp in the Amazone. This choke‘s snake grow up lots metre. In the 1999 year people discover 12,7 metre long anakondas.. An anakondas is sleeping.
The grass snake These snakes lives in Czech republic, too. These are snakes long 1-3 metre. Grass snake isn‘t danger for people. Grass snake eat small mamals, but grass snake can eat an adder‘s young. In this picture a grass snake is eating mause.
The end The end Thank you people Thank you people