By: Drs. Matthew and Michelle Mix
Maintain Your Muscle Unless used, 5-7 lbs. of muscle tissue is lost every decade of life Maintain Your Metabolism Muscle loss = 5% decrease in metabolism every decade Increased Metabolic Rate 1lb of muscle=35 calories/day 1lb of fat=2 calories/day
Increase Bone Mineral Density Osteoporosis is a degenerative disease caused by gradual loss of bone proteins and minerals Muscle condition = Bone Condition Weak Muscles = Weak Bones Strong Muscles = Strong Bones Improved Glucose Metabolism 23% increase in glucose metabolism after 4 months of strength training
According to Scientific American, exercise improves memory by ramping up the creation of new brain cells. June 2007
Training Frequency 3 nonconsecutive days/week Begin with 1 set of each exercise As you become more advanced, you may add a 2 nd or 3 rd set to stimulate more muscle development 8-12 reps Change to heavier weight with few reps as well as lighter weight with more reps every now and then
ALWAYS WARM UP AND COOL DOWN Light movement (walking, cycling) 5-10 min to warm up body for work 5-10 min to cool down
If you can’t complete at least 8 reps with proper form = too heavy If you can complete reps with proper form = too light Progress gradually Never sacrifice proper technique for a heavier load DRINK WATER BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER
Use Correct Technique No swinging, stay in control No bending of your spine (unless performing spinal flexion and extension) Always keep cervical spine neutral Be mindful of joint angles and directions Never hold breath Never struggle to get that last rep in
Shoulder Squeeze Use bands and ball Keep back straight with 10 degrees movement in forward or back motion maximum. Bands under feet Choke up on bands Breathe in when relaxing, out when contracting muscle Elbows straight
Rear deltoids Use ball with bands under feet Feet narrow Choke up on bands Squeeze shoulders at maximum contraction Lean forward approx. 15 degrees
Seated Row- Rhomboid muscles Use bands Toes up, feet out Thumbs on top Back straight Elbows in
Front Raise Ball and bands Palms down (or thumbs up if shoulder problems) Feet close together Arms raise to eye level Arms lower to side, even if no tension
Seated bicep curl Choke up Palms up Upright seated position Shoulders back Curl up Elbow at side
Push-Ups Roll out on ball Thumbs point at your belly button
Tricep Dip Hands on side of ball Bottom just off of ball Widen stance makes easier in beginning Dip down and back up again
Cross-Leg Hip Lift Calf of one foot on ball Bring bottom off of the floor and raise to the ceiling Hold position Relax back down Palms on floor Lift up before crossing leg Both sides Squeeze bottom when at top
Hip lift with inner thigh squeeze Feet apart till comfortable on ball Lift up belly button to ceiling and squeeze thighs at the same time
Leg Curl Roll ball to heals Lift belly button to the ceiling Roll ball in, push ball out Keep hips at same level the entire time Arms wide, palms down
Leg Press Feet comfortably on sides Push ball out to wall, and then knees in Ball lower may be more comfortable Back flat on ground
Side- Lying Leg Lifts Press hip into ball Arm down side of ball Leg closest to ball bent Outside leg straight Lift outside leg Abs tight entire time Press hip into ball each time you raise leg Be sure not to turn your hip out
Leg Extension Sit on ball Feet close together Extend leg Do not touch floor Hands on side of ball for stabalization Both legs