Reservoir and Stimulation Break-Out Session Gas Well Deliquification Conference Efren Munoz Denver, 25-Feb-14
Topics Covered Input data review Specific Nodal Analysis applications Production drawdown management
Input Data Review – Pr (from DFIT tests) DFIT answer 3 questions: – Fracture Gradient (can we frac?) – Pore pressure of the system (idea of Pr) – Permeability (idea of K.h) – VFC (from FGS) Helps to tune the “vertical flow correlation” (VFC) Once the VFC is established, it is used to calculate BHFP based on WHFP This is a continuous effort as the VFC changes as the reservoir pressure declines
Specific Applications of Nodal Analysis Flowline modeling to identify restriction due to scale deposits – Just define a nodal model that consists only of a flow line, with a source and a “solution node”, define a “horizontal well correlation”, provided that initial and final pressures are known, run a sensitivity to ID until it matches the pressure drop. Groups of wells represented by a P vs. Q relationship – A flow station or a manifold may be represented as a “super well” by an “IPR” curve built using actual data WHFP (psia) Rate (blpd)
Production drawdown management – Typical nodal sensitivity analysis by reducing production choke size and re-calculating production rates and pressures (upstream and downstream the choke). Then monitor the drawdown (difference between THFP and Pdownstream the choke). – Promised to show some actual data of COP experience managing production drawdown in Eagle Ford for 2015 GWD.
Attendees John Bowman Berend Brasjen Julio Cabrera Jody Dominguez James Donald Ryan Frost Sergio Gonzalez Kade McCullough Marisela Rojas Omar Soto