PINK OUT the panthers, TIGERS! CHOKE OAK! Thursday Today’s Announcements
JOB SHADOW Find out more information on Blackboard. Applications due: Oct. 17 To be held During school on NOV. 20
September 22-26th
Thursday- Join the fight against bullying! When you are being bullied support means everything Tomorrow, wear your favorite sports jersey! Team up and stand up for those who are being bullied.
Friday- Be Classy, Don’t Bully Be classy and dress up Give out compliments to others!
When? October 9, 2014
VARSITY FOOTBALL KC vs. Oak TICKET SALES Tickets will be on sale in the commons at lunch time Wednesday & Thursday Adults - $5.00 Students - $3.00 All tickets are general admission Home Team Klein Memorial Stadium Thursday, 7:00pm
Breast Cancer Colon Cancer Kidney Cancer Leukemia Homecoming Philanthropy “NEON Nights for Brighter Days” sponsored by Student Council raising money for Donations can be made online: * Items-Make Donation-Select $$ Amount-Klein Collins-In Honor of-StuCo MD Anderson Student Council will donate $10 to MD Anderson for every Homecoming T-shirt Sold Please help us reach our goal of $10,000
Be sure to log On to Black Board to cast your vote for the 2014 Homecoming Court How do I know who I can vote for?
“Neon Nights for Brighter Days” Congratulations to the following Seniors 2014 Homecoming Nominees Joel Rodriguez Sarah Ebelt Jeremiah Crespo Jonathan Selph Kennedi Ledesma Sarah Hodges John Cullinan Brooke Regalado Jeff Bowcutt Jacob Kardanimoghaddam McKenzie Scoppa Amy Washburn
“Neon Nights for Brighter Days” Congratulations to the following Juniors 2014 Homecoming Nominees Nate Edmonds Ashlyn Connor Ethan Korolyk Kathryn Raska Rashawn Day Brittney Kearly Tyler Pratt Hadley Hanson Emanuel Edwards-Aguilera Katelyn Fleck Brenden Hendrickson Jaselyn Campos
“Neon Nights for Brighter Days” Congratulations to the following Sophomores 2014 Homecoming Nominees Alex Broussard Hannah Jenkins Tyler Rosplock Alexis Cohn Toby Mustard Ellie Kempa Dillon Nesbit Cassidy Stay Jack Rogers Harley Negrete Jackson Lightfoot Amber Neuenfeldt
Congratulations to the following Freshman 2014 Homecoming Nominees Brandon King Kianna Crow Jeremy Owens McKenna Kemp Jake Farmer Hailey Fike Kamryn Lewis Erica Ramirez Josh Bourg Madison Newman Mike Pena Bailey Thrasher “Neon Nights for Brighter Days”
Voting closes on Thursday, September 25 2:30 pm Order your Homecoming T-shirt NOW!!! Go to click on ITEMS $10 from every T-shirt sold will be donated to MD Anderson Cancer Center
Approximately 200 Different Colleges Represented Financial Aid Presentations (English &Spanish) COLLEGE NIGHT Thursday, October 9, :00 – 8:30 p.m. CHAMPION FOREST BAPTIST CHURCH STUEBNER AIRLINE ROAD (corner of Stuebner Airline & Strack) HOUSTON, TX PARENTS WELCOMED Thursday, October 9, :00 – 8:30 p.m.
Dear Seniors, time flies by… make this year count with a SENIOR AD!
What’s a Senior Ad…? PRICES- 1/8 Page= $60 1/4 Page= $110 1/2 Page= $200 Full Page= $380 DUE DATE- Pictures and money are due by October 23 NO LATER, NO EXCEPTIONS. …A page that is ALL ABOUT YOU! Including a message and photo congratulating you on your success! BUY ONE NOW!
Memories are FOREVER! #TimelessAsInfinity Mrs. Harper Mr. Berta Mrs. Clarke
National Art Honor Society officers NAHS officers President: Michelle Inciarte Vice President: Colton Evers Treasurer/Historian: Morgan Navarro Secretary: Ramsha Momin OFFICERS(only) PLANNING MEETING THURSDAY AFTER SCHOOL
“Neon Nights for Brighter Days” *T-shirt Pre-Order* Ends October 3 rd *Homecoming Tickets- $20,* will be sold at all Lunches September 29 th - Oct 10 th *NO Tickets will be sold after C-Lunch on October 10 th* Pre-Sale Tickets- $20 Available online September 22 nd -Oct 3 rd
Pre-Order your T-shirts NOW at ALL THREE LUNCHES or Go to T-shirts are $20 $10 from every T-shirt sold will be donated directly to The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
SAT/ACT Test Prep Sessions Offered by Klein ISD See Mrs. Ayers in the front office to register. Sign up today! Student Registration Deadline Seminar DateTestLocationTime September 24 th October 4 th SAT Klein Collins8:30-2:30* October 8 th October 18 th ACT KMPC8:30-2:30* October 22 nd November 1 st SAT Klein Oak8:30-2:30* February 18 th February 28 th SAT Klein Forest8:30-2:30* April 15 th April 25 th SAT Klein High8:30-2:30* *There will be a 45 minute lunch **BRING PENCILS AND A CALCULATOR**
KC Student Athletic Trainers are accepting applications for tryout- See a AT for more info!
KC Student Athletic Trainer of the week Senior- Amber Collins
WHAT IS THE ASVAB TEST? A career exploration and aptitude test WHEN SHOULD I TAKE IT? 10 th, 11th or 12th grade WHAT DOES IT HAVE TO DO WITH THE MILITARY? The Department of Defense sponsors it and scores are used to determine acceptance and military jobs for new military recruits but that is not it’s only purpose! DO I HAVE TO BE INTERESTED IN THE MILITARY TO TAKE IT? Absolutely not! It is a tool for any student to assist in career planning, whether you are interested in the military or not! WHAT BENEFITS DOES IT HAVE FOR ME? A personalized career planning system and free access to career planning software. ASVAB IS FREE AND DURING THE SCHOOL DAY SIGN UP TO TAKE IT IN THE COUNSELING OFFICE….see Mrs. Grimm