PT. KaRDoDi Engineering Services
BackGround PT. Kardodi Engineering Services is a local company established since As one of the Company for Supply & services to oil and gas sector in Indonesia, we bring wealth of experienced and competent Strength to our customer. It is essential to us in continually provide high quality for fabricated & services for our customer who are mainly involved in oil & gas industries.
MISION : - To Provide High quality product and competitive price. - Apply knowledge in operation our system. - Continuous improvement program of quality. - Management system based on international standard. - Environmental safe & user friendly. VISION & MISION VISION : We are fully commited to provide customers with Quality product and excellence service. We are fully commited to provide customers with Quality product and excellence service.
ENGINEERING PRODUCT AND SERVICES Our product are manufacture and fully conformed to API Specification 5 CT, 7-1, 6 A standard and other international standards.
Fabricated : Cross Over Sub, Bit Sub, Landing Sub, Float Sub, lnside BOP, Lifting Sub, Saver Sub, Pup Joint, Blid Flange, Adapter Flange, Riser Spool, Tubing Head Spool, Wellhead & Accessories, Electrical Penetrator, etc. Adapter Flange Casing Head SpoolCasing HangerTubing Head SpoolTest Adapter Flange Tubing Hanger Subs
Recut and Rethread for end connection (Tubing/ Casing/ Cross Over, Drill Pipe, Drill Collar, HWDP, Stabilizer ), Choke Housing Valve, etc. Repair : Recut and Rethread for end connection (Tubing/ Casing/ Cross Over, Drill Pipe, Drill Collar, HWDP, Stabilizer ), Choke Housing Valve, etc.
Supply : Casing, Tubing, Gate Valve, Drilling Bit (PDCRockBit), Handling Tool, Fishing Tool & Accessories, etc. Valve Drill Bit Tubing & Cashing
QUALITY POLICY PT. Kardodi Engineering Services has a Commitment to provide customer needs with our product that comply with requirements through implementation of continous improvement programs and achieves customer satisfaction conforming to company vision.
CONTACT US Head Office : Perkantoran Puri Pamulang Blok A 2, No. 6 Jl. Siliwangi Pamulang Barat Tangerang Selatan Phone : , Fax : / WorkShop : Jl. Puspitek Raya No. 18, Buaran Serpong