ARTIFICIAL VS NATURAL Natural is when nature does it( generally seen in perennial plants), and artificial is with a little help from man.
Natural Propagation includes: Corms: ( each year more and more corms grow around the original…must be separated or they will choke) gladiolas and crocus Tubers: ( come from underground stems) potatoes Stolons: ( horizontally above ground stems with tiny leaves from which new plants grow) strawberries are an example Scaly bulbs: ( similar to corms but much larger) onions, garlic, daffodils Tip layer: arching shoots that ultimately touch-down onto the soil ex. Blackberries Root sprouts( suckers): The roots of most plants produce cytokinins. As these accumulate in the roots, the cytokinins induce shoot formation. Near the base of the shrub, a new shoot will begin to grow. Ex. Red raspberries and most bushes
Leaf cuttings : clone plants by taking a piece and putting it in water or moist soil Stem cuttings : faster than leaf cutting. Place stem piece in water and soon it’s sprout and you plant it. Tissue Culture: designed to make thousands from one small clipping. Clipping is placed into a tissue culture containing nutrients and water. Sprouts quickly. Grafting/ Budding : both are means of asexual propagation that join different plant parts as one. There are many types and the type depends on the reason for grafting. Reasons may be: develop a plant with inadequate root systems stronger stem of one grafted to another for better fruit or flower production **** IN THE NAME OF SCIENCE… NEW AND BETTER FRUITS, VEGGIES AND FLOWERS
Table 18.2 Modes of Vegetative reproduction with examples Mode of Reproduction Specialised plant Examples part (A) Natural Methods (a) Roots :Asparagus, Sweet potato (b) Stem :(a) Runner Lawn grass, Sucker Mint, Onion, (c) Bulb: Onion (d) Tuber: Potato, Canna (e) Rhizome :Ginger (c) Leave Buds: Bryophyllum (d) Special Parts: Bulbil Oxalis,Pineapple Onion (B) Artificial Methods (a) Cutting: Rose, Money Plant (b) Layering :Jasmine, (c) Grafting :Grape vine, apple trees (d) Tissue Culture: Citrus, Mango, Orchids, Chrysanthemum, Asparagus.
A number of commonly cultivated plants are usually propagated by vegetative means rather than by seeds. This is a listing of such plants: African violetsAfrican violets — leaf cuttings AppleApple — grafting AvocadoAvocado — grafting BananaBanana — sucker removal blackberriesblackberries (Rubus occidentalis) — stem cuttings PeachPeach — grafting CitrusCitrus (lemon, orange, grapefruit, Tangerine) — graftinglemonorangegrapefruitTangerine DateDate — sucker removal FigFig — stem cuttings GrapesGrapes — stem cuttings, grafting HopsHops — stem cuttings ManiocManioc (cassava) — stem cuttings MapleMaple — stem cuttings, grafting Nut crops (walnut, pecan) — graftingwalnutpecan PineapplePineapple — stem cuttings PearPear — grafting PlumPlum — stem cuttings PoplarPoplar — stem cuttings PotatoPotato — stem (tuber) cuttings Garden strawberryGarden strawberry — runners (stolons)stolons Sugar caneSugar cane — stem cuttings TeaTea — stem cuttings VanillaVanilla — stem cuttings VerbenaVerbena — stem cuttings WillowWillow — stem cuttings