What are palindromes and puns? How does a reader understand them? Palindromes & Puns
What are a Palindromes? A palindrome is a word or phrase which reads the same in both directions. Some simple examples are: RACECAR DEED LEVEL POP MADAM
How can palindromes be formed? Words…. Dad Phrases…. If your aging cats act confused or strange, you may be dealing with senile felines. Sentences….. Have you ever asked yourself: Do geese see God? When you ride in a car on a foggy day, your eyes may play tricks on you. What was that? Was it a car or a cat I saw?
pop, dad, mom, Nan, sees, ewe, radar, gag, noon, deed Q 1: A paper that shows legal ownership of property? Q 2: What does one do with one's eyes? Q 3: How do you typically call your mother? Q 4: An instrument used to locate airplanes? Q 5: Time for lunch? Q 6: What do you call your father? Q 7: To choke? Q 8: Female sheep?
What is a pun? "A Play on Words" Using a word or words that have more than 1 meaning. Examples: Our social studies teacher says that her globe means the world to her.
Examples of Puns using Homophones QUESTION: What’s black and white and read all over? ANSWER: A newspaper. QUESTION: What did the sign in hospital say? ANSWER: “We have a lot of patience.” QUESTION: Why did the vegetable stop to rest? ANSWER: It was beet. QUESTION: Why did the baker quit making doughnuts? ANSWER: He got tired of the hole thing.
More homophone puns… QUESTION: What kinds of oranges do sailors like best? ANSWER: Naval oranges. QUESTION: Why did the chimney have to go see the doctor? ANSWER: Because it had the flue. QUESTION: Why is it so wet in England? ANSWER: Because so many kings and queens have reigned there. QUESTION: Why did the boy bring a napkin and fork to math class? ANSWER: He heard there was going to be pi. QUESTION: What did the model say when her hair color started to fade? ANSWER: I think I’ll dye.