By: Martina Vassallo and Jennifer Maistre
Hi. I am Lilly the starfish and I am Tido the clown fish and we will show you around the sea.
As you all know I Tido live in coral…
…and I Lilly live on rocks.
In the sea a lot of boats pass by, some are motor driven and some with rowing pedals.
The Puffer fish is a poisonous fish. It drinks water to double its size, puffs up and sharks can’t eat it.
Probably the most famous squid is the giant squid it can measure up to 11 metres long and weigh more then 1814 kilograms. A type of squid can change colour and there is a squid that can light up in the dark.
The Octopus is one of the most clever fish in the sea. An octopus can fill a room sometimes. It is very fast and ferocious. With its tentacles it can grab, suck and choke very quickly. The octopus can hide very well from its prey. It can turn to rock shape in seconds and change its surface and colour of skin to look rough like a rock. When a fish follows the octopus it squirts ink fast.
The Eel is a snake like fish. There is an eel called “Gulper”. It has a large head and a one metre long tail. The Gulper hangs still in the water gulping anything that comes it’s way.
Usually jelly fish are poisonous. They come in different shapes, colours and sizes. Some of them are transparent and they can hurt you if you touch them. Some jellies live in the bottom of the sea and light up with bright colours. A jelly fish can be 40 metres long as a train.
Tuna are large fish which are now in danger of disappearing because humans have caught too many of them. Blue Fin Tuna, usually called King of the Sea, grows to a weight of nearly 250 kilograms and is among the fastest swimmers in the ocean. When it is fully grown, few fish can attack this fish but there is nowhere in the sea where it can hide from humans.
The Great White shark is the most famous of the shark family. Most of the sharks in this family are around the size of a tree and weigh around 1200 kilograms. Mother sharks give birth to, seven to nine live pups at a time. They are known to attack, but not to eat humans. Of course, if you stay away from it, then it will not harm you. It prefers to eat sea lions, dolphins and other sea animals. It is now known that killer whales, known as Orcas, will attack and kill a great white shark. The white shark makes its home in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. This shark is usually found in deeper water. However, a white shark will sometimes go to shallow water quite close to the shore, where it finds most of its food.
You may not know this but whales are actually mammals, not fish! Yes, although they may look like fish, they are hot blooded animals. They carry their babies in their stomachs for many months and give birth to them like humans do. The mothers are usually called cows and the babies are called calves. Like you, they breathe from the air and need to come up to the surface of the ocean every now and then, as they are unable to breathe underwater. Some whales, like the Sperm Whale, can stay underwater for nearly an hour before coming up to the surface. Other whales can stay longer or less, depending on their type. There are many types of whales in the sea, with the biggest and most famous being the Blue Whale.