To 160 th Ave Church of Christ. Authority: Matthew 21:23-24 – 2 Questions: “By what authority?” “Who gave this authority?” – Only two sources for authority.


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Presentation transcript:

To 160 th Ave Church of Christ

Authority: Matthew 21:23-24 – 2 Questions: “By what authority?” “Who gave this authority?” – Only two sources for authority Heaven Men

Observing History 64 AD Nero persecutes Christians – 311 AD Galarius ends persecution in the East – 313 AD Constantine ended it in the west 116 AD Ignatius (and elder of the church of Antioch of Syria)

Ignatius (116 AD) “Pay heed to the bishop, the presbytery and the deacons, do nothing apart from the bishop. Keep your bodies as if they were God’s temple. Value unity, flee schism, imitate Jesus Christ as he imitated his Father.” Ignatius to the church at Philippi “let the bishop preside in God’s place, and presbyters take the place of the apostolic council. Let the deacons be entrusted with the ministry of Jesus Christ.” Ignatius to the church at Magnesia

Monarchial Bishop/Presiding Elder Not a prevalent view in early 2 nd Century, A new trend (Everett Ferguson) Polycarp (elder at the church of Smyrna) Ignatius also addresses the Elders in Rome

Observing History 64 AD Nero persecutes Christians – 311 AD Galarius ends persecution in the East – 313 AD Constantine ended it in the west 116 AD Ignatius (and elder of the church of Antioch of Syria) 588 AD John the Faster Claimed himself Universal Bishop but was rejected by Gregory the first 606 AD Bonafice the 3 rd pronounced as Universal Bishop

Contentment with God’s ways God’s way is a revealed way (through the scriptures). A plurality of Elders/Bishops Presbyters Elders/Bishops/Presbyters in each local assembly The Bible Never mentions a Monarchial Bishop, a Presiding Elder, or one man ruling a congregation!

Scriptural Evidence: Acts 14:23 When they had appointed elders for them in every church, having prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord in whom they had believed. 1 Pet. 5:2 shepherd the flock of God among you Acts 20:17 From Miletus he sent to Ephesus and called to him the elders (“presbuteros”) of the church. Acts 20:28 Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers (“episcopos”), to shepherd (“poimein”) the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.

1 Cor. 1: For I have been informed concerning you, my brethren, by Chloe’s people, that there are quarrels among you. 12 Now I mean this, that each one of you is saying, “I am of Paul,” and “I of Apollos,” and “I of Cephas,” and “I of Christ.” 13 Has Christ been divided? – Which religious body did Christ join? – Christ Called men out of their religious bodies to become part of his saved assembly (body)!!!

If there was ever a violation of the teaching found in 1 Cor. 1:12-13, the dividing up into groups, elevating men, exalting men as the Corinthians were doing on this occasion, It is some of the events that have taken place within the Catholic religion regarding the office of the papacy, the office of the pope.

Claims of Catholicism: Peter was the first pope of the Catholic Church. (Catechism of the Catholic Church) “The pope is a supreme judge in all matters of faith and morals. His pronouncements on these matters have the guarantee of infallibility.” (The Catholic Encyclopedia)

Claims of Catholicism: “Every nation has it’s ruler, a king, a president, God in establishing his church ordained that at the head of his church should be one man, a monarch endowed with supreme power, this man is the pope.” (The Register- America’s Catholic Newspaper) “Now we declare and pronounce for every human creature, it is necessary for salvation to be subject to the authority of the Roman pontiff.” (Catholic Encyclopedia)

Where is this mentioned in Scripture? You’d expect a position of this magnitude (“Holy pontiff” “Holy vicar of Christ” “representative of Jesus” “head of the church on earth” “universal bishop of all the churches”) to be mentioned and to find qualifications Levitical priesthood service and requirements found in Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers. Elder requirments found in 1 Tim. 3, Titus 1 Deacon requirements found in 1 Tim. 3 Prophets, evangelists, teachers are mentioned

Papal Error: Papacy claims apostolic Position – The requirements of an apostle include seeing the resurrected Lord (Acts 1:21-23) – Paul states he was the last one (1 Cor. 15:6) – Apostles served their purpose The exaltation of the Pope – A dispute over being the greatest (Luke 22:24-25) – They are to be servants (Luke 22:26)

Papal Error: Papacy vs. Peter Peter was Married – Simon has a mother-in-law (Mark 1:29) – Peter has kids (1 Peter 5:1- “a fellow elder”) Peter would have never taken on the Titles given to the Pope – “call no man father” (Matt. 23:9-12) – Peter refuses worship/homage (Acts 10:25) – When challenged, he explains the event that had taken place just as a man ought to (Acts 11:2) Peter was fallible – Peter sins and was rebuked publicly (Gal. 2:11-12)

How can there be a position of the Pope when the Bible doesn’t mention it? “To enable her to carry out this divine plan she makes laws, laws purely ecclesiastical, but laws that have the same binding force as the divine laws themselves” (Explanation of Catholic Morals, p. 26). "Like two sacred rivers flowing from Paradise, the Bible and divine Tradition contain the Word of God...of the two, Tradition is to us more clear and safe" (Catholic Belief, p. 33.)

A Strong Indictment against Human Tradition Matt. 15:1-6 – God’s law demanded that men honor Father and Mother. – Human tradition made a loophole to relieve responsibility and choke the word of God.