1 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Initiatives for Raising Agriculture Production in Uttar Pradesh
2 Initiative under RKVY and NFSM Katri Project Mechanization Line Sowing in Eastern UP
Land Reclamation in Katri area of River Ramganga under RKVY (a case study) Ramganga River originates from Pauri Garhwal and enters UP in Moradabad and flows through Rampur, Bareilly, Badaun, Shahjahanpur, Farrukhabad and falls in Ganga river in Hardoi. River keeps on changing its course very frequently, causing heavy erosion and mass sand deposition on fertile lands along its banks. Very often flash floods occur in the catchments of its older paths and water stagnates for days causing heavy damage to standing crops. Katri Area -
In due course of time….. - affected areas covered with dense shrubs like Moonj, Narkul, Sarpat, Sarkanda etc. - No or less cultivation with very low productivity. - about ha. land of 355 villages has become barren. - shelter for anti-social elements. - locally known as Katri.
A Pilot project to reclaim 750 ha. of problem area was implemented during & in Shahjahanpur & Bareilly. Major activities : - Mechanical removal of perennial shrubs & Land leveling, - Cons. of CB, PB, MB & CD & Spur / retaining wall, - Embankment / chak road, - Irrigation facilities & - Demonstrations of Crops / Horticulture / Agro- forestry.
In pilot phase 806 ha. land reclaimed with project cost of Rs 2.00 crore. Crop production activities started in Kharif & Rabi Following production activities ensured:- -Kharif Crops - Maize, Jowar, Bajra, Urd and Til. -Rabi Crops - Wheat, Barley and Mustard. -Horticulture Crops – Guava, Lemon, Karonda and Cucurbits. -Agro - Forestry Plants - Popular and Eucaliptus
IMPACT of Pilot Phase- Additional 2071 M.T. foodgrain and 61.5 M.T. Oilseed produced. Cropping intensity enhanced from 30% to 180%. Additional income of Rs. 290 lakh generated. Cost of Land after reclamation gone up 5 times (from 0.35 lakh to 1.55 lakh per ha.). Addl. employment generation. Improvement in local environment. Reduced anti-social activities.
In subsequent years ( & ) about ha problem land reclaimed with budgetary provision of Rs crore. Reclaimed Land shall be brought under cultivation in coming Rabi seasons. Around 9000 ha. new area is to come under cropping from Rabi
With induction of tractors at large scale need for matching farm implements has been felt. Opportunity provided through centrally funded schemes like NFSM & RKVY. Through both the schemes strategic popularization of farm Machinery initiated. Farm machinery training centre established to enhance skills of farmers and mechanics at SAMETI, Rehamankhera. Demonstrations of Rotavator, Lazer Leveller and other Farm Machineries organized on Government Agriculture Farms and also on farmers field. After overcoming initial hurdles distribution of Rotavator has gradually picked up. Farm Mechanization
YearApproved Target by GOIRevised Target Distribution Total (T) Rotavator Distribution 1329 farmers were provided training on still improvement for using Rotavator. Awareness created and also organized demonstration of Rotavators. Each stakeholder has not only recovered the money spent on purchase of Rotavator but also earned huge profit on its customized use.
Name of FarmerPurchas e Year Farmer Share (Self / Loan) (Rs.) Net saving per ha. at own farm (Rs.) Net income through custom hiring (Rs.) (up to June 2010) Sri Jawar Pal Singh, Rampur Loan Sri S.J. Tripathi, Chitrakoot Loan Sri Ajay Yadav, Kushinagar Loan Some of the leading Farmers Sri Jabar Pal Singh, Rampur Sri S.J. Tripathi, Chitrakot Sri Ajay Yadav, Kushinagar
Enhancement of Wheat Production in Eastern UP Through Line Sowing In 27 districts of eastern U.P. broadcasting of wheat is in practice in about 34 lakh ha area. Sowing of wheat through broadcasting results into consumption of more seed, low fertilizer use efficiency and low productivity. Scheme launched under RKVY and NFSM to popularize line sowing in 1.46 lakh ha area in 27 districts on Pilot phase Seed drill/ Zero-Till seeddrill to be distributed by organizing camp from th Sept Seed drill are already available in the selected areas. Skill up-gradation training already given to 733 farmers on the use of seed drill/ zero till seed drill. Plan to train all the seed drill owners. Incentive to be provided to the seed drill owners for Line Sowing on other farmers field on custom service approach.
Increase in Productivity - 03 qtl/ha.Increase in Productivity - 03 qtl/ha. Additional Production lac qtlAdditional Production lac qtl Saving in costsSaving in costs of Cultivation - Rs. 2000/ha. Benefit cost Ratio - 5 : 1Benefit cost Ratio - 5 : 1 Project Cost - Rs lacProject Cost - Rs lac Increase in Fertilizer use efficiency.Increase in Fertilizer use efficiency. Enable the farmer for Timely Sowing.Enable the farmer for Timely Sowing. Expected Outcome