Training and Capacity-building for HCFC phase-out Kakuko Nagatani-Yoshida
Why Training and Capacity-building? Effective enforcement of ODS control regulations is the essential base for any phaseout. Could phaseout a major portion of HCFC use in Servicing through: (a) reduced emissions of equipment; (b) faster rate of adoption of recovery & recycling programme and retrofit options, and (c) fast-track adoption of HCFC free alternatives. Insert sustainability into the HPMP implementation.
Starting points – Enforcement Over 3,000 officers in the Customs nation-wide (around 1,000 are officers and the rest are administrative staff). Around 75% of the officers have inspection as part of their duties. HCFC imports mainly through two ports in Colombo. Illegal trade risk is low, but Sri Lanka has a high- level of trans-shipment (around 80% of the total cargo volume and 40% of the cargo arriving at the Colombo International Airport) that is not under the Customs’ control.
Starting points – Servicing 6,500 technicians with formal training + over 5,000 technicians with no formal training. Some 55% of the workshops are in Colombo. Around 15% and 11% are in Southern Province and Central Province respectively. Technical colleges and vocational training institutes (public or private) totaling 26 institutions annually train about technicians. The small service agencies are not well equipped with tools and accessories. HCFC-141b is used for cleaning.
Past Training and Capacity-building Project on “Refrigeration service technician training and customs & policy enforcement training”, US$543,592. 3,700 servicing technicians and 452 customs and enforcement officers trained during CFC phaseout.
Lessons and Experience Prioritization of implementation of investment projects where ODS consumption is high and technical options are available. Capacity building of enforcement agencies (e.g., Customs, Pollution Control Authorities, Ministry of Law and Justice etc.) to implement regulations is essential. Service sector needs technical support and equipment for handling ODS phase-out. South-South cooperation is very useful (e.g. Sri Lanka to the Maldives).
Objectives Apply and enforce regulations for HCFC control and phase-out Immediately remove use of HCFC-141b in metal cleaning applications Reduce wastage of HCFCs and increase recovery of HCFCs through the promotion of 3R (i.e. Recover and Recycle or Reclaim) Increase both supply of and demand for government-registered and certified servicing technicians, as well as technicians that are qualified to handle non-HCFC (natural) refrigerants
Focus Institutionalized training Elimination of HCFC-141b use as cleaning agent Improving servicing efficiency using HCFC-22 Control of HCFC dependent equipment Recovery, recycle, and reclamation of refrigerants (see also retrofit incentives and recovery & reclamation programmes)
Target Audience Enforcement - Sri Lanka Customs (in particular, frontline officers in the Cargo Examination Division, Nomenclature Committee, Data management personnel, chemical specialists, HR Directorate), Ministry of Environment, Local Government Authority (Environment Officers at the provincial and district governments), Licensing Authority, and RILO Sri Lanka. Technicians - RAC servicing technicians, the Environment Friendly Refrigeration Association of Sri Lanka (EFRASL); selected institutions technical colleges and vocational training institutes; Department of Labour; Local Government Authority; Central Environmental Authority (CEA); Sri Lanka Standards Institute (SLSI); the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET); ASHRAE Sri Lanka Chapter.
Expected Outcomes - Enforcement Appropriate vigilance on entry of HCFCs, HCFC blends and HCFC-based equipment into the country (inc. HS2012 application). Improved availability and accessibility of information and tools for shipment inspection Increased compatibility between Customs’ trade database and the ODS database at NOU.
Expected Outcomes - Servicing 3 training institutions with a self-sustained training programme for accreditation of the RAC servicing technicians At least one Private-Public Partnership brokered to increase supply of trained technicians Reductions in HCFC-22 use through R&R and retrofitting Improved record-keeping by servicing technicians using a log book (if possible) as part of best practices promotion.
Proposed Activities - Enforcement Supporting a special training on HCFC trade registry as part of WCO HS 2012 codes training On-line Quota and License Control System 3 rounds (minimum) of training sessions with Customs officers Procurement of ODS identification kits – 3 units
Proposed Activities - Servicing Development of technicians training curricula for technicians Organization of 5 training sessions One-off and targeted training on elimination of HCFC-141b use as cleaning agent Strengthening the capacity of EFRASL Procurement of basic equipment for 3 technical college/ vocational institutions
New Ozone Officers visit Thai Customs, Nov Strengthening of NOU Linking with other initiatives
Awareness-raising (Targeted)
Training Tools omselearninghome.htm
Manual for Refrigeration Servicing Technicians 43-e-Ref_manual_servicing_technicians.pdf
Informal Prior Informed Consent (iPIC) 2010
Regional Enforcement Networking
Increasing Motivation An European Commission officer awarded for his contribution, during the side event on illegal trade at the 22nd Meeting of Parties to Montreal Protocol.
Kakuko Nagatani-Yoshida Tel: OzonAction CAP Team UNEP Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific 2F, B-wing, UN Building, Rajdamnern Nok Avenue, Bangkok 10200, Thailand