INC Report to the NANC June 2001 Norman Epstein INC Moderator
Upcoming INC Meetings July 5, 2001 DMM Web Conference July 12, 2001 NPA and CIC Web Conference July 20, 2001 LNPA Web Conference July 13, 2001 CO/NXX Web Conference July 30, 2001 CO/NXX Web Conference August 6-10: INC 58 September 24-28: INC 59 November 12-16: INC 60 All meeting information can be found at:
NPA Workshop 555 Reclamation Process INC determined it is not the appropriate body to direct NANPA to reclaim 555 line number assignments. In order to document the process, INC seeks information from the NANC as to who is the appropriate authority to direct the NANPA to reclaim 555 line number assignments.
NANP Expansion Workshop INC is addressing an additional expansion concept suggested by the FCC/CCB that expands the CO Code to four digits The final report on NANP Expansion now will be completed by the year end 2001