Laissez-faire versus the State: Civilization or Dark Ages Jan Krepelka ISIL conference Lausanne, Switzerland August 22, 2013
Introduction: Why don't you like the State? Why don't I like the State? Why does it matter? What to do about it? Answer: emphasize the difference between Laissez-faire and the State as the fundamental opposition between Civilization and Dark Ages - Our society is partly civilized and partly Dark Ages
1. Laissez-faire versus the State: Civilization or Dark Ages Dark Ages classes vs laissez-faire equality Dark Ages feudalism vs laissez-faire freedom Dark Ages barbarism vs laissez-faire civilization
1. 1. Dark Ages classes vs laissez-faire equality People above the law: nobility Clerical class Military class Monarchies: how does one become a king? But all power belongs to dark ages Actions done by the state vs private citizens Laissez-faire equality
1. 2. Dark Ages feudalism vs laissez-faire freedom Feudal model: attached to the land Emigration, immigration Free human being: choice, travel, globalization
1. 3. Dark Ages barbarism vs laissez-faire civilization Economic vs political means, civilization vs violence The only political question: use of violence Laissez-faire: violence limited by NAP
2. Why it matters so much: growth Civilization, economic growth The division of labor; A practical means of exchange: money; The accumulation of capital Declining GDP
Growth More production, more wealth Longer, healhier, lives Technological progress Huge impact over long term (compound interest) : growth rate calculator A country with 2% growth rate is going to be wealthier than a country with a 1% growth rate, over a mere 1000 years
Life and death issue (besides millions of people murdered by States) Space exploration Life extension, immortality Against the interests of the State, against its ideology
3. What do you do about it? Reframe Make it easy to pick sides Set your reality: Civilization vs Dark Ages The burden of proof rests on them, not us Stick to the essentials: violence? Drop the labels Mean it
“You libertarians are the types that would allow fornication in public parks!” - What do you mean, public parks?”
Conclusion: Reclaim your reality, reclaim your life The growth of the State cannot go on Recognize the state as a Dark Ages institution Trust your libertarian intuition Live according to your principles Be an entrepreneur of liberty Never mind the looters and their laws Live in your reality, not theirs
Thank you! Jan Krepelka