HPMP SUSTAINABLE APPROACH UNIDO approach for the HPMP Main Meeting of OzonAction Networks from Mexico, Central and South America and the Caribbean. Trinidad & Tobago 4 to 7 Oct 2011
PREFACE REFRIGERANT IS NOT TO BE BLAMED. OBJECTIVE: Eliminate the use of CFCs and HCFCs, could also mean using the refrigerant properly to reduce their consumption. Refrigerant is very expensive and we use it once and throw it away or plan to destroy, something like the consumer society applied to the refrigerants
1.ALTERNATIVES TO REPLACE THE HCFCs 1.Replacement refrigerants (Drop-in with alternative refrigerant): eg. HFC, HC 2.Renewal of existing equipment (Retrofitting) 3.New refrigerants: HFOs and HFCs (R407a, R410a, R422a, R422d, R417A, R32, HFO1234yf...) Natural (R290, R290/R600, R717, R744) None of these alternatives is included in this presentation Where possible UNIDO promotes natural refrigerants, while making the transition must take into account the concept of proper management
2. MAIN HCFCs USES IN THE LATINAMERICA AND CARIBBEAN HCFC-22 ODP (ODP) = (CFC-11 = 1) GWP (GWP) = 1810 (CO2 = 1) Main applications: Air conditioning, chillers (7 to 700kW), commercial refrigeration, condensing units, fisheries, boats in general, transport and others. HCFC-141b ODP (PAO)= 0.11 (CFC-11=1) GWP (PCG)=725 (CO2=1) Main applications: Blowing agent used for de polyuretane foam. Solvent used for flushing refrigeration systems during service
No awareness and good practice. The concept was created and is generally used for R-12 Because of its low ODP were not assimilated into National plans It was promoted as an alternative to R-12 without regard to their suitability Vented for repairs and maintenance It is still available at low prices, the market was flooded due to the perverse incentive. 3. HCFC-22: ACTUAL STATUS
4.HCFC-22: ALTERNATIVES TO REDUCE CONSUMPTION Economic incentive (saving = income) Reuse the refrigerant Recycling: in situ / sent to the existing network Promotion of virgin refrigerant savings through recycling and reuse with their economic advantage Courses focused on proper handling of refrigerant in large consumer savings, commercial refrigeration, large installers, hotels, ships, chiller, etc... Reclaim interesting concept…
4.HCFC-22: HOW TO REDUCE CONSUMPTION OBJECTIVE: NO VENTING THE REFRIGERANT, NO OPENING THE VALVE Recover all the refrigerant transfer cylinders (liquid transfer pump) Recover the remaining refrigerant (machine recovered) Recycle the refrigerant while doing the service (filter kit) Apply good refrigeration practices (using the adecuate tools) Recharging the refrigerant the shortfall. This not mixture! RESULT: the refrigerant in good condition can be reused reducing consummption CONCRETE STEPS (I) - HEAVY-Service site
4.HCFC-22: ALTERNATIVES TO REDUCE CONSUMPTION Tools for high volume installations Liquid transfer pump for refrigerants Cost ca. US$ 4,500 Recovery machine for refrigerant Cost ca. US$ 500 Set to recycle and separate oil from the refrigerant Cost ca. US$ 300
4.HCFC-22: ALTERNATIVES TO REDUCE CONSUMPTION Good practices training focused in the need and use of large consumers. Review actual consumption and find how much can be saved changing the concept? Recycling services in place if feasible (cylinders and equipment for recovery and recycling) Take advantage of the R&R network if you can not do directly Reclaim: economically efficient and viable solution, create the infrastructure for reclaim depending on conditions and needs CONCRETE STEPS (II) – General Service Aplications
4.HCFC-22: ALTERNATIVAS PARA REDUCIR CONSUMO Pilot project was implemented with this concept in Margarita Island in Venezuela, some results: Year 2009 R-22: 100kg recovered and reused; R-134 rd: 475kg recovered, reused 350kg; even with R-404: 49 kg recovered, reused 37kg Application: Recycling in situ using appropriate tools (cylinders and equipment recovery and recycling) Without using the recovery and recycling network in Venezuela in 2010 was recycled about 70 tons of R-22 in different service shops, not big consumers RESULTS OBTENIED IN DIFFERENT CASES
4.HCFC-22: ALTERNATIVAS PARA REDUCIR CONSUMO COSTS & POTENTIAL SAVINGS A kilo of virgin HCFC-22 costs approx. $ 8 A home air-conditioned has ca. 1 kilo and a type 'split ducted' 3.25kg on average in both cases and can be recycled and reused. Cost of refrigerant = 0 saving 100% A chiller can have 100kg of R-22 refrigerant value of new $ 800, whether to replace the 20% paid $ 160. Reclaim the refrigerant has a cost, assuming that the service is paid $ 4 per kilo, the net savings is 50%. (covers transportation costs). If just service is provided. Reclaimer buys at US$ 2/kg and sells reclaimed at ca. US$ 6/kg, virgin cost US$ 10
5. RECLAIM: ALTERNATIVE TO REDUCE CONSUMPTION RECLAIM a good concept to save refrigerant Reclaim is the chemical process by which impurities are removed AHRI Certification Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute AHRI revised 2008 Establish test procedures for determining the quality of new or reclaimed refrigerants for use in refrigeration and air conditioning whether used or new.
CERTIFICACION AHRI : All reclaimed refrigerant must undergo tests: Gas mixing must be incinerated. 1. Acidity: Acid attacks the seals of the systems. Deteriorate inside the storage cylinders. 2. Humidity: Refrigerant high moisture can cause clogging of lines due to the formation of ice affects the heat transfer. 3. Waste high boiling point (oil): High content of non condensable affects the compressibility of the refrigerant, causing high pressures in the system.
5. RECLAIM: ALTERNATIVE TO REDUCE CONSUMPTION 4. Chlorine: Coolant high chlorine level will produce a system with acidic conditions due to the production of HCl. 5. Condensable gases (air): It creates inefficiency in the system. Oil causes formation of additional substances in the system. 6. Purity: mixture of refrigerants not produce the same conditions as pure gas. Gas chromatograph.
5. RECLAIM: ALTERNATIVE TO REDUCE CONSUMPTION Reclaiming machines LV Meets all EPA certification requirements Manufactured to customer’s specifications with options to handle different refrigerants including R12, R22, R407c, R410a… and many more 1 HP Hermetic compressor Reclaim capacity: 1.4 kgs. Liquid per minute. Vapour slightly less. On board storage capacity: 14 Kgs.
5. RECLAIM: ALTERNATIVE TO REDUCE CONSUMPTION Reclaiming machines JV Meets all EPA certification requirements Manufactured to customer’s specifications with options to handle different refrigerants including R12, R22, R407c, R410a… and many more 2 HP Hermetic compressor Reclaim capacity: 2.3 kgs. Liquid per minute. Vapour slightly less. On board storage capacity: 40 Kgs.
5. RECLAIM: ALTERNATIVE TO REDUCE CONSUMPTION Reclaiming machines BV Meets all EPA certification requirements Manufactured to customer’s specifications with options to handle different refrigerants including R12, R22, R407c, R410a… and many more 2 HP Hermetic compressor Reclaim capacity: 2.3 kgs. Liquid per minute. Vapour slightly less. On board storage capacity: 136 Kgs.
5. RECLAIM: ALTERNATIVE TO REDUCE CONSUMPTION Reclaiming machines HSR New industrial size recovery unit. Pumps liquid and vapour. Recovers R410a, R407c, R404a and other alternates. 3 HP Rotary compressor Reclaim capacity: 3.6 kgs. Liquid per minute. Vapour slightly less. Oversized condenser Ideal for production line or in plant use.
6. HCFC-141b: SITUACIÓN ACTUAL Used as a solvent for cleaning equipment Vented 100%, used once, which generates costs and consumption "We cleaning the system and get dirty the environment “
6. HCFC-141b: ALTERNATIVES TO REDUCE CONSUMPTION Equipment for cleaning solvent or circuits using HCFC-141b as a cleaning agent. Efficiency> 96%. Cost approx. US$ 300 It has solvent pump with 100% yield It can be manufactured locally pump Reuse of R-141b to times Other alternatives, solvents with low boiling Flushing unit
7. CONCLUSIONES Reducing emissions of ODS The reduced consumption of pure refrigerant is achieved not only with alternatives, if we already have refrigerant saquémosle the most The development of a refrigerant involved investments of millions and we sold after one use that can be recycled Cost savings, environmental seal service With proper use of refrigerant consumption is reduced The service includes recycling is more expensive, but cheaper than that required to add coolant. Good for the installer, user and environment. Win - win.
25 Thanks for your attention Rodrigo Serpa Industrial Development Officer Montreal Protocol Branch UNIDO Tel: