Tackling uninsured driving together ACPO and PFEW Joint National Roads Policing Conference Tackling uninsured driving together Mohammed Hemani, Head of MID Services 15 January 2015 Hinckley Island Hotel @DriveInsured
Overview Impact of uninsured driving Our approach Current situation and next steps Getting input from you
Impact of uninsured driving It is estimated that uninsured and untraced drivers kill 130 people and injure 26,500 every year Research shows uninsured drivers are five times more likely to: - be involved in road collisions - fail to comply with other road traffic requirements - be engaged in other criminal activity We know that by tackling uninsured driving we disrupt other criminality You have made over 205 million enquiries on our database and over 850,000 enquiries to the Police Helpline Partnering together for safer roads
Significant progress has been made to address uninsured driving Since powers came in for you to seize vehicles there have been in excess of 1.3 million seized MIB set up the Police Helpline in 2007 and has assisted you with seizing 271,756 vehicles Uninsured driving has reduced by 50% (2m to 1m uninsured drivers) We have sent out over 2 million Insurance Advisory Letters under Continuous Insurance Enforcement (CIE)
Our approach to supporting you Operation Education Engagement Police Helpline - Extended opening hours following pilot Insurance Fraud Bureau - Looking at tackling application fraud Training materials - Developed new materials including pre-op materials and a good practice guide for motor trade Presence at key meetings: - NRPIF - Operation Reclaim Governance Board Consultation - Police Survey - Follow up research
Need for change Reduction in the number of seizures Decline in calls to the Police Helpline Consultation to seek feedback on where we need to make improvements A focus on evolving and increasing our activities under each of the three strands Conducting a public awareness campaign to tackle uninsured driving
Come and visit our stand! Your input is needed Essential we find out from you how we can support you better in taking uninsured drivers off the road and making roads even safer Breakout session 15:00 ‘Changing the way we work to tackle uninsured driving – how can MIB support you’. Come and visit our stand!
Stay connected www.mib.org.uk Mohammed Hemani Head of MID Services mhemani@mib.org.uk @DriveInsured www.mib.org.uk
Stay connected www.mib.org.uk Neil Drane Head of Database Services ndrane@mib.org.uk Tina Flowers Contact Centre Manager tflowers@mib.org.uk @DriveInsured www.mib.org.uk