Tim Delhaes The Pitch Method transforming ideas into business Tim Delhaes Director First Tuesday / Founder Institute
Tim Delhaes “We have developed the first platform that transfers files with XML4 using some bla bla bla!”
Tim Delhaes Investors don’t invest in companies. Investors invest in stories about companies.
Tim Delhaes “A 17th Century tale of adventure on the Caribbean Sea where a roguish yet charming Pirate joins forces with a young blacksmith in a gallant attempt to rescue the Governor of England's daughter and reclaim his ship. ”
Tim Delhaes
The Challange The opportunity is the stomach In love with the product Identify truly innovative aspects Multiple innovations at the same time Lack of routine / method
Tim Delhaes Elevator Pitch
Tim Delhaes R&D Start up Early Growth Acc Growth Acc Growth ANGELS PROFESIONAL ANGELS SEED FUNDS VCs Quality Proof
Tim Delhaes VCs
Tim Delhaes SEED FUNDS
Tim Delhaes Enterprise: seats Big Enterprise: 2 major contracts Social +100k signups/downloads Marketplace: 50k revenue/month eCommerce: 50k revenue/month
Tim Delhaes 1. The Anchor 2. The Pain 3. The Solution 4. The Inception 5. The Secret 6. The Model 7. The Request
Tim Delhaes The Anchor Your Name Name of project HLP Market Status
Tim Delhaes ! Jaws but in space - Alien Snakes on a plane - Flickr for video – YouTube
Tim Delhaes ! Market is key for professional angels
Tim Delhaes The Pain Who has what pain How much is spent on the direct or indirect pain relieve
Tim Delhaes ! “Who” is never a company Build believable characters Tell a story
Tim Delhaes The Solution What is is How does it work What is the benefit
Tim Delhaes ! Connect solution to the pain Focus on the primary benefit Keep it simple
Tim Delhaes The Inception Your background Spark of genios
Tim Delhaes ! Tell a story Show of your skills Promote your team
Tim Delhaes The Secret Source Competition Main diference Impact
Tim Delhaes ! Head start, Patents, Nobel prize winners? Show you know the market & competition
Tim Delhaes The Model Who buys What you sell Marketing Delivery
Tim Delhaes ! Keep it simple!
Tim Delhaes The request People Money Knowledge …..
Tim Delhaes ! Investors want to feel useful Many (most?) key intros are indirect
Tim Delhaes