OBJECTIVE You will be able to analyze and create political cartoons that describe the Monroe Doctrine DO FIRST What is the difference between “domestic” problems and “foreign” problems? Look back at our notes from last week if you cannot remember the answer! What was America’s official foreign policy, established by President Washington?
Let’s watch our introduction to today’s lesson on James Monroe. After the video, be ready to tell me some important accomplishments of our 5 th president! h?v=cwvHtkCusHo h?v=cwvHtkCusHo
Today’s lesson will focus on Monroe’s last accomplishment—the Monroe Doctrine. Fill in your guided notes!
After the War of 1812, James Monroe was elected as president and the nation was happy to return to its foreign policy of isolationism. Americans could not, however, ignore the independence movements happening throughout Latin America
MEXICO: Father Miguel Hidalgo inspired Mexicans to revolt against their Spanish rulers. From 1810 to 1821, Mexicans fought against their colonial rulers and eventually gained their independence. SOUTH AMERICA: Simon Bolivar was a Venezuelan revolutionary who helped to launch a revolution for independence throughout South American nations. With the help an Argentinian revolutionary, Jose de San Martin, Bolivar and his revolutionaries drove out all Spanish troops from South America by 1825.
Britain and the United States were eager to support these newly independent nations. Before independence, these nations were only permitted to trade with Spain. As independent nations, Latin American countries could trade with all nations!
When Spain lost control of its colonies in Latin America, it tried to get the help of other European nations to reclaim its lost territory in the Americas. The U.S. saw this as a threat.
President Monroe declared his doctrine (official government policy), which stated that nations of North and South America were “not to be considered as subjects for future colonization (take-over) by any European powers.” Any efforts made by Europe to take over countries in North and South America would be considered dangerous to America’s “peace and safety.”
Not only did the Monroe Doctrine declare that the U.S. would fight against any European involvement in American affairs, it also sent a message to the rest of the world that the U.S. was no longer a weak collection of quarreling (fighting) states—it was a strong and confident nation that demanded respect from the rest of the world.
In your own words explain what the Monroe Doctrine declared to other nations
Each student at your table will be responsible for an OPTIC analysis for one of the political cartoons in activity for today. You will have 4 minutes to complete your assigned political cartoon analysis. When the time goes off, be prepared to share your analysis with your teammates!
Create a political cartoon of the Monroe Doctrine!