LEE COUNTY UTILITIES DIVISION Integrated Water Resources Master Plan
Agenda Goals of Plan LCU Service Areas Water and Wastewater Projections Gap Analysis Recommendations Next Steps
Goals Provide guide to meet 2030 projected demands Select water resources that address: Reliability Diversity and redundancy Environmental stewardship Regulatory uncertainty Utilize storage to manage abundant seasonal supplies Develop regional transmission system
LCU Water Supply Service Areas
LCU WWTP Service Areas
2008-2030 Water and Wastewater Projections Maximum Monthly Daily Demand (MMDD) Year LCU LCU & Lehigh 2008 Actual (MGD)* 27.2 30.6 2030 Estimated (MGD) 48.2 72.2 Difference (MGD) +21.0 +41.6 Wastewater: Year LCU LCU & Lehigh LCU & NFM LCU, Lehigh & NFM 2008 Actual (MGD) 18.6 22.1 21.0 24.5 2030 Estimated (MGD) 32.0 52.0 39.3 59.3 Difference (MGD) +13.4 +29.9 +18.3 +34.8 *Million Gallons Per Day
2030 Water System Gap Analysis Water System Service Area 2030 Permanent Population Reliable Capacity 2030 MMDD (MGD) Required Constructed Capacity MMDD / RF Current Permitted Treatment Capacity Current Functional Capacity 2030 Additional Capacity Need North 79,590 12.2 14.4 7.50 5.5 8.9 Olga 51,185 7.9 9.3 5.00 4.4 4.8 South 183,143 28.1 33.1 29.30 26.9 6.1 Totals 313,918 48.2 56.8 41.80 36.8 19.9* Gap Analysis including Lehigh Acres area Lehigh 156,942 24.1 28.3 5.0 3.5 24.8 Totals 470,860 72.3 84.1 46.8 40.3 44.7
2030 Wastewater System Gap Analysis WWTP Service Area 2030 Estimated MMDF (MGD) 2030 Required Constructed Capacity Current Functional 2030 Capacity Deficit {Surplus} City of Fort Myers South* 7.06 8.83 6.96 (Allocated) 0.10 (capacity deficit) City of Ft Myers Raleigh* 5.49 6.86 4.51 (Allocated) 0.98 (capacity deficit) Fiesta Village 4.08 5.10 5.00 0.10 Fort Myers Beach 3.94 4.92 6.00 {1.08} Gateway 1.39 1.73 2.50 (2008 const) {0.77} High Point 0.007 0.01 0.025 {0.016} Pine Island 1.24 1.55 0.25 1.30 San Carlos 0.41 0.51 0.30 0.21 Three Oaks 6.71 8.38 2.38 Waterway 1.64 2.05 1.25 0.80 Totals 31.97 39.94 32.80 4.00 Gap Analysis Including North Fort Myers and Lehigh Acres area North Fort Myers 7.35 9.19 7.50 1.69 Lehigh 19.99 24.99 3.50 21.49 Totals 59.30 74.13 43.80 27.18
Source Water and Water Treatment Plants North Service Area Expand North Lee WTP to 15 MGD Increase brackish groundwater supply Decommission Waterway Estates WTP Increase connectivity amongst service areas Olga Service Area Expand Olga WTP capacity to 10 mgd Improve river supply with ASR (limitations w/2 ASRs) Introduce brackish groundwater supply
Source Water and Water Treatment Plants (Cont) South Service Area Replace Green Meadow 9 mgd with new 14 mgd WTP Maintain capacity at Corkscrew and Pinewoods WTPs Increase treated water ASRs (success at Corkscrew w/5 ASRs) Investigate groundwater to groundwater ASR Investigate connectivity with other raw water supplies Increase connectivity amongst service areas Distribution Connectivity – 29 identified major pipeline projects
Wastewater Service Improvements Three Oaks Service Area Decommission San Carlos WWTP and convey flow to Three Oaks WWTP Expand Three Oaks WWTP or consider a new regional WWTP Waterway Estates Service Area and High Point Service Area Decommission both WWTP’s Convey wastewater flow to North Fort Myers FGUA service area North Fort Myers FGUA Service Area Purchase North Fort Myers FGUA Expand WWTP capacity
Reclaimed Water West (Fort Myers Beach/Fiesta Village) Service Area Deep Injection Well to eliminate river discharge from Fiesta Village WWTP Reclaimed Water ASR/DIW for seasonal water management Interconnecting pipeline between facilities to optimize reclaim utilization Three Oaks Service Area Develop supplemental supply for reclaimed water system to better meet demand during dry season(under design) System-wide 82% reclaimed utilization of WWTP effluent Continue to seek strategic opportunities to offset potable water demand
Next Steps Further study storage options to maximize offset of potable water through reliable reclaim water system to further reduce disposal of this commodity. Maximize benefit of alternative water sources and reclaimed water for overall water management Beyond disposal of reclaimed water Find the best “value” residential, industrial, recreational direct offset of potable water Land use and construction regulations in new development to enhance stormwater retention and Florida-friendly landscape
Questions ? Condensation Precipitation Evapotranspiration Runoff Estuary Confining System Gulf of Mexico Floridan Aquifer Surficial Aquifer Recharge Evapotranspiration Condensation Precipitation Percolation