Urban Storm Water Runoff Monitoring for Pesticides and Nitrate in Helena and Billings Rick Mulder Montana Department of Agriculture Groundwater Protection.


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Presentation transcript:

Urban Storm Water Runoff Monitoring for Pesticides and Nitrate in Helena and Billings Rick Mulder Montana Department of Agriculture Groundwater Protection Program

Sample Collection Helena 4 sampling locations 9 rainfall events 36 total samples –June 6, 23; July 14; Aug 5, 2011 –May 26, 27; July 16, 17; August 27, 2012 Samples collected from ditches or discharge pipes Billings 3-4 sampling locations 2 rainfall events 7 total samples –June 16; Aug 29, samples collected from receiving waters; 1 sample collected from discharge pipe All samples taken to the MDA Analytical Lab and tested for 148 pesticide compounds and nitrate

Helena Sampling Locations

Billings Sampling Locations

Pesticide Results Helena 31 different pesticide compounds detected Average of 13 pesticides per sample One sample with 25 different pesticide compounds Billings 26 different pesticide compounds detected Average of 15 pesticides per sample One sample with 24 different pesticide compounds

Pesticide Results 2,4-D (Weed B Gon, Trimec) AMPA (Roundup, Ground Clear) Atrazine (Aatrex, Atrazine 90DF) Azoxystrobin (Heritage, Renown) Bromacil (Krovar, Hyvar) Carbaryl (Sevin) Chlorathalinil (Heritage, Manicure) Chlorsulfuron (Corsair, Cimarron) Chlopyralid (Confront, Momentum) Deethyl atrazine (Aatrex, Atrzine 90DF) Diazanon (Spectracide) Dichloprop (Triamine) Diuron (Karmex) Fipronil (Frontline) Glyphosate (Roundup, Ground Clear) Imazapic (Panoramic, Plateau) Imazapyr (Ground Clear, Arsenal) Imidacloprid (Admire, Pravado) Malthion MCPA (Weed-n-feed, Weed B Gon) MCPP (Trimec) Picloram (Tordon, Grazon) Prometon (Pramitol, Total Kill) Propaconazole (Banner, Tilt) Simazine (Pramitol, Pricep) Sulfomuterun (Oust) Tebuconazole (Elite, Folicur) Tebuthiruon (Spike, Reclaim) Triclopyr (Garlon, Remedy)

Pesticide Results Phenoxy herbicides  2,4-D, MCPA, MCPP Soil Sterilants  Diuron, glyphosate, prometon, tebuthiuron, triclopyr

Pesticide Results

Drinking Water Standards

Aquatic Life Benchmarks

Nitrate detected in 20 of 23 samples All nitrate concentrations were <1.6 ppm with a mean concentration of 0.7 ppm Nitrate Results