Soon after Charlemagne (leader of the Franks) takes control of the city of Rome, The Catholic Church exerts it’s Authority. Pope Gelasius I 2 Swords Political Sword – Controlled by Emperor Religious Sword – Controlled by Pope THE SCOPE OF CHURCH AUTHORITY
Political Sword Church will bow to the Emperor on Political matters. Religious Sword Emperor will bow to the Pope on Religious matters. Great in theory, but both disagreed on the boundaries of each realm. 2 SYMBOLIC SWORDS
The Church was seen as a unifying force in a divided Feudal state. Regardless of social class, Christianity offered salvation and a common goal. CATHOLIC CHURCH INFLUENCE
Canon Law Law of the Church Two harsh punishments included: Excommunication Banishment from the Church. Interdict The banishment of religious services and sacraments within a King’s land (The King’s subjects were not allowed to worship) CHURCH JUSTICE This became a powerful bargaining tool by the Catholic Church. The Church forced Germanic King’s to carry out their agenda by holding these two punishments against them.
Following the Death of Charlemagne, The Pope began to give more power to the Emperors, Naming him the Holy Roman Emperor. Lay Investiture – Kings and Nobles were allowed to appoint church officials. Emperors now had power over religious law. THE CONFLICT BETWEEN CHURCH AND STATE
In 1075, Pope Gregory VII banned lay investiture Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV fired back calling for the resignation of Pope Gregory VII. Pope Gregory VII excommunicates Henry IV. Concordat of Worms, The successors of both men come to a resolution. Church alone could name bishops, however the Emperor had veto power to prevent the appointment of a bishop. THE CONCORDAT OF WORMS
Throughout the entire Middle Ages, Islam had vastly swept over the middle east and in to Northern Africa. The Church was not concerned until the Byzantine Empire made an appeal to Pope Urban II. CATHOLIC CHURCH EXTERNAL ISSUES
The Byzantines were being threatened in the East by Muslim Turks who had just assumed control of the region, including Jerusalem. The Pope saw this as an opportunity to reclaim the holy land of Jerusalem and help the Byzantines at the same time. Shortly after the letter from the Byzantines, Pope Urban II issued a “holy war” against the Muslims in Jerusalem. “HOLY WAR”
Following Pope Urban II declaration of War, a 200 year war period known as “The Crusades” commences. THE CRUSADES