workflow analysis, design & development of remedy applications
significant cost savings through effective license management
Business Case Study Federal government agency with users distributed among 165 international sites In early 2006, there were 1155 user accounts allocated as: Floating Fixed Read (of 160 purchased) (of 51 purchased)
Issues Complaints from users who could not complete their work Projected growth of 200 users in the next year, requiring the purchase of an estimated 60 floating licenses Budget approval and procurement process too slow to provide a timely resolution to the problem
Solution Installation of… Within a week, effective license management identified: 10 users who were monopolizing their floating license 10 users who had a fixed license that was underutilized As the user base continued to grow, utilization was checked frequently to ensure that the license type assigned to a user was appropriate to their usage
Current Scenario Currently 1410 user accounts allocated as: Weekly monitoring kept the floating license distribution stable until 20 additional floating licenses were purchased Floating Fixed Read (of 185 purchased) (of 51 purchased)
Benefits Elimination of license-related complaints from the user community Not purchasing 40 additional floating licenses: $96,000 USD $17,000 USD per year Estimated cost saving of: Not paying support on 40 additional floating licenses:
Inside Retrieves User Information Stores User Information Scheduled Tasks LicenseTracker Forms Windows PC/Server Remedy User AR System Server (version 6.0 or higher)
This form captures information on current, average and peak license usage in daily, weekly, monthly and annual intervals. It also provides a snapshot of the number of dormant licenses and the ratio of registered vs. purchased Floating licenses.
This form captures detailed statistics on how Floating, Fixed, and Read licenses are being utilized. Significant cost savings can be achieved by using this information to reclaim dormant licenses and re-allocate licenses based on utilization (time spent idle vs. total time logged in)
This form displays a list of potential users with Floating licenses that should be reviewed to determine if a Fixed license is more appropriate based on their high level of utilization.
This form displays a list of potential users with Fixed licenses that should be reviewed to determine if a Floating or Read license is more appropriate based on their low level of utilization.
This form captures information on users that have had their license type re-allocated. Information on usage at the time of conversion is also captured to provide a historical record to justify the license re-allocation.
This form is automatically populated with default values for threshold identification and notification preferences.
managing your company’s remedy licenses has never been easier