Fluency Builders Reading For all Learners Written By: Dr. Alan Hofmeister Presented by: Kathy Warnick
Audience Students who read at a 3.5 reading level Fluency builder books are leveled beginning at in Book 1 Readability levels – page 14 of your Instructor’s Manual
General Information Select samples of text from the “Fluency Assessments” for the story or chapter you would like to teach Depending on the outcomes – proceed with the appropriate instruction (steps for determining students’ needs will follow)
General information cont’d The following are not recorded as errors: Mispronunciations of Proper nouns Repetitions Self-corrections
General Information cont’d 97% accuracy standard is recommended Students with less than 80% accuracy on “Assessment Text Samples” may be in need of decoding instruction that precedes fluency instruction.
Materials Needed Fluency Builder books Instructor’s Resource Manual Blackline Masters Journals Timer Data sheets found in blackline master 3x5 cards for homework (optional)
Step 1: Book Walk & Prediction Conduct a book walk Discuss and make predictions Have students write a prediction in their journals. Provide the prompt: “I think the book The Gold of Eagle Island will be about……”
Step 2: Review Vocabulary from Previous Chapter Instructor reviews10 most difficult words from previous chapter If students have difficulty with words not listed, they should be added to step # 6
Step 3: Fluency and Accuracy Instructor models fluency skills by reading the first paragraph at an appropriate pace Approximately 120 WPM Students should read 10 times their age i.e. 11 years of age x 10 = 110 wpm After instructor models fluency, students practice
Step 4: Oral Comprehension Checks The teacher generates questions to elicit student responses Questions may include the following: “What is the main idea?” “What is the motive?” “How do you suppose the main characters feel/think about/…?”
Step 5: Reading with Expression Students practice reading individual paragraphs with expression Make it a fun experience! Let students experiment with accents, intonation, and different character voices Demonstrate reading with pauses to build interest and anticipation FOCUS ON EXPRESSION NOT ACCURACY
Step 6: Vocabulary Review for the New Chapter The teacher and group prepare a list of the new chapter’s most difficult words Students are given time to look for difficult words Bring students back together and compile a list of the 10 most difficult words
Step 6: (cont’d.) Students make a list of the 10 vocabulary words on a 3x5 card 3x5 card put in student’s homework envelope Student reviews words at home 3x5 card signed by parent and returned the next day
Step 7: Read the Chapter Students read the new chapter practicing fluency, accuracy, and expression Students read in a popcorn pattern, where they get to establish the rules OR Students read in a pattern established by the teacher: choral, popcorn, etc.
Step 8: Individual Rate and Accuracy Assessment Assign students “how, where, why, who, or what” questions to write in their journals Students write the question and the answer While students are writing their questions, the teacher conducts1-minute individual timings.
Comprehension Comprehension questions are included in the instructor’s manual Students should achieve 80% or above before moving on to the next chapter
Lesson Practice – Let’s Try It! Follow the steps Step 1: Book Walk & Prediction Step 2: Review Vocabulary from Previous Chapter Step 3: Fluency and Accuracy Step 4: Oral Comprehension Checks Step 5: Reading with Expression Step 6: Vocabulary Review for the New Chapter Step 7: Read the Chapter Step 8: Individual Rate and Accuracy Assessment
How is our “Fluency” in Teaching Fluency Learning outcomes “Ah ha’s” Ease of use Questions??? Final thoughts