SELF EVALUATION POORLY CORRELATED WITH RESIDENCY ADMISSION GRADES ON OSCE-BASED TEST Júlio César de Oliveira Maria Patrocínio Tenório Nunes Leonardo Borges de Barros e Silva Cristina Helena Fonseca-Guedes Itamar de Souza Santos Joaquim Edson Vieira UNIVERSITY OF SÃO PAULO SCHOOL OF MEDICINE São Paulo BRAZIL
UNIVERSITY OF SÃO PAULO SCHOOL OF MEDICINE São Paulo BRAZIL OSCE Performance as a Residency Admission Test
- 600 Graduated Doctors around the country -264 positions as a Resident -21 Residency Training Programs From: 60 different Schools 21 different States Phase 1 - Writing test candidates Phase 2 – OSCE Based Test 600 candidates
PHASE 2 - OSCE Selection Process Actress patient Candidate Observer
OBJECTIVE Correlation between Self Evaluation score and OSCE grade in a Residency Admission Test
CASUISTIC and METHODS Self-evaluation questionnaire 314 recently graduated physicians Performance on Objective Structured Clinical Examination – OSCE Correlation between OSCE final grade and self-evaluation of skill levels
CASUISTIC and METHODS Self evaluation questionnaire 0 You do not know the procedure 1 You have read about or been told how the procedure is done 2 You have seen another person perform the procedure 3 You have done the procedure with guidance of another person 4 You have done the procedure correctly on your own 5 You have done the procedure correctly so many times that you feel both competent and confident about it
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Pearson Correlations test Self evaluation scores X OSCE grade
DISCUSSION The OSCE provides a nearer real clinical situation The self-evaluation questionnaire indicates how secure and confident was the candidate about the skill asked in each station It would be expected a good correlation between OSCE grade and self evaluation scores But no correlation was found
CONCLUSION Young physicians could not self-evaluate OSCE grades during Residency Admission Test.