The IEP Process Dana Cunningham, Ph.D. Coordinator Prince George’s School Mental Health Initiative
It is important to understand the IEP process: Increases your involvement Your student understands you are interested in their academic progress You have knowledge of your student’s needs Increase your understanding of the IEP meetings
What is an IEP? Individualized Education Program –Sets learning goals for the student –Identifies the services that will be provided –This document is updated yearly, upon request, and/or to incorporate new data –You should receive quarterly progress notes about your child’s progress
The IEP Team Parents/Guardians –Special Education Teacher/Coordinator –Regular Education Teacher (if student is in reg. ed. classes) –School Psychologist –Speech Pathologist –School Guidance Counselor –Administrator –Pupil Personnel Worker (PPW) upon request –Special Education Instructional Specialist (SEIS) upon request
IEP/Educational Codes (Maryland) 01 Mental retardation 02 Hearing Impaired 03 Deafness 04 Speech and language Impairment 05 Visual Impairment 06 Emotional Disturbance 07 Orthopedic Impairment 08 Other Health Impaired 09 Specific Learning Disability 10 Multiple Disabilities 12 Deaf- Blindness 13 Traumatic Brain Injury 14 Autism 15 Developmental Delay
Disability Acronyms LD- Learning Disabled ED- Emotional Disturbance MR- Mental Retardation OHI- Other Health Impairments FBA- Functional Behavior Assessment BIP- Behavior Intervention Plan The IEP only addresses issues that are negatively impacting your child’s academic achievement If the suspected disability or behavior is only seen at home but not at school than the IEP would not address this.
Assessment Assessment evaluates areas of concern Include a variety of assessment tools Provide you with information about your student’s academic needs (and emotional functioning for some) Provide recommendations that can be implemented Re-evaluation should occur at least every three years
What’s on the IEP –Type of disability –Intellectual/Cognitive functioning –Current levels of performance (including strengths & weaknesses) –Academic, Developmental, and Functional needs –Identified goals with statements of how progress will be measured for all areas of need –Accommodations for State/District tests –Modifications for the classroom –Transition service needs –Identifies type and quantity of services received Service hours are based on the needs of the student. The number of hours that the student gets that type of service i.e. speech, counseling, occupational therapy
Current levels Achievement/ Classroom- This section identifies your child’s strengths, weaknesses, and the current levels of academic achievement and functional performance: It may include: Work Samples Classroom Tests Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) Benchmark Data Behavioral Observations
Current levels Achievement/ Classroom- Standardized Measures: This compares your child to other children who are the same age and grade as your child –Maryland School Assessments –Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI): Usually administered at the beginning and the end of the school year –Woodcock Johnson Test of Achievement, Third Edition: Areas assessed include, but is not limited to reading, math, written language, & academic achievement –Cognitive Assessment: Provides information about your child’s learning style and intellectual functioning –Social-Emotional/Behavioral/Adaptive Assessments: Ratings Scales, projective measures, clinical interviews, etc. This information is usually shared by the Special Education Teacher and Psychologist
Some differences between a 504 Plan and an IEP 504IEP The student does not require specialized instruction. Specialized instruction is required for the student to experience success at school Student requires accommodations such as preferential seating, extended time, small group setting, etc to meet academic success IEP’s include specific goals. objectives, assessments, and accommodations that have to be completed within a specific time Disability = physical/mental difficulties that limit one or more major life activities Identifies specific disabling conditions
IEP Meeting You should be notified at least 10 days prior to the meeting date A meeting can be requested by a parent You can bring someone with you Come prepared and take notes
What do I do when I disagree with the IEP Team? Ask for more clarification Ask for some time to review and reflect Sign the attendance but not the document Ask for support
Dispute Resolution Options Discussion or Conference IEP Meeting Mediation Resolution Meeting Due Process Hearing State Complaint
What can you do? Research your student's disability (be informed) Know your child's strengths and weaknesses Review your student’s homework Stay in touch with your student's teachers Ask reg. ed. teachers what accommodations they have made Encourage your child and have high expectations of them Provide positive reinforcement Keep track to see if your student's goals are being mastered or if they need to be revised at the next meeting.
Resources to help your student
Additional Support Maryland Disability Law Center: Maryland Coalition for Children and Families: Parent’s Place of Maryland:
If a child is to be successful…it takes everyone’s involvement Parent Student School Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much. – Helen Keller