The Student Led IEP Focused and Deliberate Teaching of Self-Advocacy
Table Talk and Share Out Do your students attend or participate in their IEP meetings? Do your students know what an IEP is? Have your students ever seen what their goals are?
Table Talk and Share Out Do your students know they have a learning concern (“disability”) different than ‘other’ students and do they know what it is? Do your students know what accommodations or modifications they have?
Obstacles/Solutions Discussion What are some of the obstacles you see in teaching students the IEP process? What are some solutions to #1? What are some of the obstacles you see in implementing student led IEPs? What are some solutions to #2?
A Well Developed Plan for Student Led Conferences CMIl54&feature=related CMIl54&feature=related CMIl54&feature=related As you watch, jot down the positives you see that could provide self-advocacy for your students.
Positives of Student Led IEP Meetings Share what you see as positives in the way of student led IEP meetings.
See Handout: Student Led IEP Meetings: Planning and Implementation Strategies by Becky Wilson Hawbacker
A Middle School Example QxMy1kk&feature=related QxMy1kk&feature=related QxMy1kk&feature=related As you watch, jot down ways that you might be able to revise this process for your IEP students. Ask yourself, “Could I format this in a way that MY students could be a bigger part of the IEP meetings?”
Handouts WELCOME TO MY IEP MEETING! The Self Directed IEP My Vision For the Future (large sheet) The handbook “Transition IEPs: page 18 & 19”
If You Haven’t Yet…… Will you consider a way to begin deliberately teaching the IEP process to your students? Will you consider a way to begin having students actually take part in their IEP meetings? What is a first step that you could do this year?