The Acronyms of Student Services- I&RS, IEP, and 504
Overview What is I&RS? I&RS Referral Process I&RS Team and CST 504 and IDEIA What is an IEP? How it all fits together
Intervention and Referral Services I&RS Intervention and Referral Services Katie
I&RS NJ Administrative Code School Districts shall establish and implement intervention and referral services designed to assist students who are experiencing significant LEARNING, BEHAVIOR or HEALTH difficulties in the regular education program Katie
The Scope of I&RS The intended scope of I&RS programs is much broader than the limited function of pre-referral interventions to the Child Study Team (CST). It is possible that a fully institutionalized program of I&RS that targets its resources to the identification and amelioration of problems at the earliest possible stages of problem identification would never or rarely function as a pre-referral mechanism for CST evaluations. Collaborative Team Approach Katie
What is the Purpose of I&RS? Support and assist referring staff member or parent/guardian in addressing both academic and social/emotional concerns of individual students including: Recommendations Interventions/strategies Material/resources Katie
I&RS Process Parent conference Request for Assistance Case Coordinator assigned Data collection Parent contacted Meeting agenda Action Plan Follow up meeting Katie
I&RS and CST Teams I&RS TEAMS CHILD STUDY TEAMS A general education model that permits the provision of services to special education students, as appropriate. A special education model. A collegial, collaborative problem- solving model, rather than a diagnostic model, and a coordinating mechanism that addresses global learning, behavior and health issues. A joint decision-making process that identifies, evaluates and determines the eligibility for and the placement of students with educational disabilities. Addresses students’ specific learning, behavior and health needs in the context in which they occur. Provides for appropriate placements in the least restrictive environments. Does not classify student problems. Determines students’ educational disabilities. Participates in the development of an intervention and referral services action plan. Participates in the development of an individual education plan (IEP). Regulated under N.J.A.C. 6A:16 Regulated under the provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1997 and N.J.A.C. 6A:14. Systematically focuses all school and community resources on the resolution of individuals’ educational problems, in particular, and school-wide problems, in general. Focuses special education, general education and other pupil services on the needs of students with educational disabilities. An adult-centered program, where direct assistance primarily is provided to adults who request assistance for problems encountered in the general education program. A student-centered program, where direct assistance primarily is provided to students with educational disabilities, and support is provided to school staff and parents. Schools are required to actively involve parents in the development and implementation of I&RS action plans. Parents are required to participate in each step of the special education decision-making process. Katie
The Laws That Apply I & RS-State law: mandates process of identification and supports for general education at-risk students IDEIA- Federal law: Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act Section 504- Federal law: the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Carol- Introduction IDEIA- provides federal quidelines and funding to states to help guarantee special education and related services to eligible students. IDEIA has 4 parts: A & B (we care most about) cover eligibility, procedures and required services from ages 3-21, Part C covers infants & toddlers, Part D covers national activities to improve education for children with disabilities. 504 prohibits discrimination against any person with a disability by any federally funded agency and organization. It requires states to provide programs for eligible students with disabilities that are equal to those for students without disabilities.
Key Differences IDEIA 504 Education Act IEP-services 13 federal disabilities State-Federal-Local funding Must be 3-21 Civil Rights Act Accommodations to access general education All disabilities are eligible Local funding No age requirement Carol
Section 504 Covers any person who: Has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities Has a record of such an impairment Maria
Major Life Activity under Section 504 includes, but not limited to: Breathing Caring for oneself Hearing Learning Performing manual tasks Seeing Speaking Walking Working Maria AND LETS NOT FORGET------ WORK
Student Eligible for IDEIA IEP is required Case Manager Child Study Team (CST) Carol
CST- Child Study Team Social Worker School Psychologist Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant (LDTC) Other medical & educational specialists Carol
IEP- Individualized Education Plan Written legal document It outlines: The student’s abilities Goals for the students How progress will be measured How the school, student & parents will work together to meet these goals Carol
IEP Team and Terms Parent General Education Teacher Special education Teacher Case manager Student- if appropriate PLAAFP Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance Annual Review Be prepared to discuss data and progress of the student Carol
WEBTRACK Log On and Password Review IEP in Archived Documents First initial and last name mpeters…mpeters Review IEP in Archived Documents Maria
IEP Key Components Implementation Date PLAAFP Special Factors- BIP, FBA, etc. Modification Page Statement of Services Maria Modifications- Who is responsible? Services- PT, OT, Speech, Transportation, Counseling, In class support, pullout replacement, In class replacement, etc
Let’s Review I & RS 504 IEP Action Plan Accommodations Special Education Program Carol
How It All Fit Together All Students Within District I & RS Students with Impairments 504 Substantial Impairments Severe Impairments IEP Carol